{ ROBERT ROTHENBURG For those interested in using ANSI in Turbo Pascal (at least Dos v2-5 ...I don't know if Dos 6 Uses this routine--Interrupt $29--or not) here's a tip: The "undocumented" Fast PutChar interrupt is used by ANSI.SYS, and thus anything you send to that interrupt will be ANSI-interpreted (provided ANSI.SYS is loaded :). Use this routine to output a Character to ANSI: (you'll have to modify it to output Strings, of course). } Uses Dos; Procedure FastPutChar(C : Char); { Outputs only to "display", not stdout! Uses Dos v2-5. } Var Reg : Registers; begin Reg.AL := Ord(C); Intr($29, Reg) end;