program FastANSI; {$R-,S-,B-,A-,F-,Q-,V-} {FAST! Buffered ANSI viewer--almost good enough for someone who wants to view ANSI files without ever loading ANSI.SYS. Plusses: - Don't hafta load ANSI.SYS - SAFE: Beeps if there's a key-redefine, and won't change the screen mode - Almost as fast as the real thing--the difference is probably not even noticed on a fast computer, except for with HUGE files. Minuses: - Takes up more disk space (but doesn't everything? :-) - Still not as fast as the real thing. - Currently the code is a bit sloppy and probably hard to read (I can read it, but then I helped write it. . . .) * I've since given cleaner formatting to the code, but it's still a bit tough to read, and isn't fully commented. The style is pretty dirty, and optimization could help it a lot. Yes, one of my *next* plans for this thing is to optimize, organize, and comment the source Coauthored by: Ben Kimball ( Scott Earnest ( } uses CRT, DOS; const IBMColor : array [0 .. 7] of byte = (0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7); Tone = 2500; Duration = 250; buflen = 2047; var {EEEEK!--it's possible not all of these are used. . . .} ch, lastch, inqchar : char; f : file; Fileinfo : searchrec; bytesread : word; bufloc : word; ANSIbuf : array [0 .. buflen] of byte; FName : string[80]; commandfetch, numsread : boolean; ANSIParam : array[1 .. 16] of string; index, ANSIPcount, loop, semicount : byte; blink, reverse, bold : boolean; tmpx, tmpy, savecurx, savecury, fgcolor, bgcolor : byte; vidpage : byte absolute $0000:0462; ncols : byte absolute $0000:$044a; nrows : byte; numbytes : longint; function value(st : string) : integer; Var dummy,v : integer; begin val (st,v,dummy); value := v; end; procedure outchar (ch : char); var xp, yp : byte; mp : word; begin xp := WhereX; yp := WhereY; case ch of #13 : exit; #10 : xp := ncols; else begin mp := ((yp-1)*ncols+xp-1)*2; mem[SegB800:mp] := ord(ch); mem[SegB800:mp+1] := textattr; end end; inc(xp); if xp > ncols then begin xp := 1; inc(yp); end; GotoXY (xp,yp); end; procedure inchar (var ch : char); begin if bufloc = 0 then BlockRead (f,ANSIbuf,buflen+1,bytesread); ch := chr(ANSIbuf[bufloc]); inc (bufloc); inc (numbytes); if (bufloc >= bytesread) then bufloc := 0; end; procedure execcode; begin Case Ch of 'H','f' : {Cursor Position} begin case semicount of 0 : case ANSIPcount of 0 : GotoXY(1,1); else GotoXY(1,Value(ANSIParam[1])); end; 1 : if value(ANSIParam[1]) = 0 then GotoXY(Value(ANSIParam[2]),1) else GotoXY(Value(ANSIParam[2]),Value(ANSIParam[1])); end; end; 'A' : {Cursor Up} if ANSIPcount < 1 then begin if WhereY > 1 then GotoXY(WhereX, WhereY - 1) end else if WhereY - Value(ANSIParam[1]) < 1 then GotoXY(WhereX, 1) else GotoXY(WhereX, WhereY - Value(ANSIParam[1])); 'B' : {Cursor Down} if ANSIPcount < 1 then begin if WhereY < nrows then GotoXY(WhereX, WhereY + 1) end else if WhereY + Value(ANSIParam[1]) > nrows then GotoXY(WhereX, nrows) else GotoXY(WhereX, WhereY + Value(ANSIParam[1])); 'C' : {Cursor Forward} if ANSIPCount < 1 then begin if WhereX < ncols then GotoXY(WhereX + 1, WhereY) end else if WhereX + Value(ANSIParam[1]) > ncols then GotoXY(ncols, WhereY) else GotoXY(WhereX + Value(ANSIParam[1]), WhereY); 'D' : {Cursor Backward} if ANSIPcount < 1 then begin if WhereX > 1 then GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY) end else if WhereX - Value(ANSIParam[1]) < 1 then GotoXY(1, WhereY) else GotoXY(WhereX - Value(ANSIParam[1]), WhereY); 'p' : {Key-redefine} begin Sound (Tone); Delay (Duration); NoSound; end; 's' : {Save Cursor Position} begin SaveCurX := WhereX; SaveCurY := WhereY; end; 'u' : {Restore Cursor Position} GotoXY(SaveCurX, SaveCurY); 'J' : {Erase Display (if ESC[2J ) } ClrScr; 'K' : {Erase Line} ClrEol; 'm' : {Set Graphics Mode} for Loop := 1 to AnsiPCount do case value(ANSIParam[Loop]) of 0 : {All Attributes Off} begin Blink := false; Reverse := false; Bold := false; TextAttr := $07; FGColor := 7; BGColor := 0; end; 1 : {Bold On} begin Bold := true; TextAttr := (TextAttr or $08); end; 4 : {Underscore - ignored}; 5 : {Blink On} begin TextAttr := (TextAttr or $80); Blink := true; end; 7 : {Reverse Video} begin Reverse := true; if FGColor > 7 then FGColor := 8 else FGColor := 0; BGColor := 7; TextColor(FGColor); TextBackGround(BGColor); end; 30 .. 37 : {Foreground} begin FGColor := IBMColor[Value(ANSIParam[Loop]) - 30]; TextAttr := BGColor * 16 + FGColor; if blink then TextAttr := TextAttr or $80; if bold then TextAttr := TextAttr or $08; end; 40 .. 47 : {Background} begin BGColor := IBMColor[Value(ANSIParam[Loop]) - 40]; TextAttr := BGColor * 16 + FGColor; if blink then TextAttr := TextAttr or $80; if bold then TextAttr := TextAttr or $08; end; end; {Case} end; {Case} end; procedure readANSIdata; begin inchar (ch); case ch of '0' .. '9' : begin ANSIParam[ANSIPcount] := ANSIParam[ANSIPcount] + ch; numsread := true; end; '"' : repeat inchar (inqchar); until inqchar = '"'; ';' : begin inc(ANSIPcount); inc(semicount); end; else begin if not numsread then ANSIPCount := 0; execcode; commandfetch := false; end; end; lastch := ch; end; procedure parseANSI; begin fillchar (ANSIParam, sizeof(ANSIParam), 0); ANSIPcount := 1; semicount := 0; commandfetch := true; numsread := false; repeat readANSIdata; until not commandfetch; end; begin nrows := mem[$0000:$0484] + 1; TextAttr := $0f; semicount := 0; SaveCurX := 1; SaveCurY := 1; Bold := false; Blink := false; Reverse := false; ANSIPcount := 0; {No Params} FGColor := 7; {Light Grey} BGColor := 0; {Black} numsread := false; commandfetch := false; bufloc := 0; numbytes := 0; bytesread := 0; fillchar (ANSIbuf, sizeof(ANSIbuf), 0); if ParamStr(1) = '' then begin write ('Enter Filename: '); readln (FName); end else FName := ParamStr(1); findfirst (FName, AnyFile, fileinfo); if = '' then begin writeln ('File not found.'); halt; end; assign (F, FName); reset (F,1); clrscr; while (numbytes < fileinfo.size) do begin inchar (ch); if ch = #27 then begin lastch := ch; inchar (ch); if ch <> '[' then begin outchar (lastch); outchar (ch); end else {parse} parseANSI; end else outchar (ch); end; readln; close (f); end.