Unit LZH; {$A+,B-,D-,E-,F-,I+,L-,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-} (* * LZHUF.C English version 1.0 * Based on Japanese version 29-NOV-1988 * LZSS coded by Haruhiko OKUMURA * Adaptive Huffman Coding coded by Haruyasu YOSHIZAKI * Edited and translated to English by Kenji RIKITAKE * Translated from C to Turbo Pascal by Douglas Webb 2/18/91 * Update and bug correction of TP version 4/29/91 (Sorry!!) *) { This Unit allows the user to commpress data using a combination of LZSS Compression and adaptive Huffman coding, or conversely to deCompress data that was previously Compressed by this Unit. There are a number of options as to where the data being Compressed/ deCompressed is coming from/going to. In fact it requires that you pass the "LZHPack" Procedure 2 procedural parameter of Type 'GetProcType' and 'PutProcType' (declared below) which will accept 3 parameters and act in every way like a 'BlockRead'/'BlockWrite' Procedure call. Your 'GetProcType' Procedure should return the data to be Compressed, and Your 'PutProcType' Procedure should do something with the Compressed data (ie., put it in a File). In Case you need to know (and you do if you want to deCompress this data again) the number of Bytes in the Compressed data (original, not Compressed size) is returned in 'Bytes_Written'. GetBytesProc = Procedure(Var DTA; NBytes:Word; Var Bytes_Got : Word); DTA is the start of a memory location where the inFormation returned should be. NBytes is the number of Bytes requested. The actual number of Bytes returned must be passed in Bytes_Got (if there is no more data then 0 should be returned). PutBytesProc = Procedure(Var DTA; NBytes:Word; Var Bytes_Got : Word); As above except instead of asking For data the Procedure is dumping out Compressed data, do somthing With it. "LZHUnPack" is basically the same thing in reverse. It requires procedural parameters of Type 'PutProcType'/'GetProcType' which will act as above. 'GetProcType' must retrieve data Compressed using "LZHPack" (above) and feed it to the unpacking routine as requested. 'PutProcType' must accept the deCompressed data and do something withit. You must also pass in the original size of the deCompressed data, failure to do so will have adverse results. Don't Forget that as procedural parameters the 'GetProcType'/'PutProcType' Procedures must be Compiled in the 'F+' state to avoid a catastrophe. } { note: All the large data structures For these routines are allocated when needed from the heap, and deallocated when finished. So when not in use memory requirements are minimal. However, this Unit Uses about 34K of heap space, and 400 Bytes of stack when in use. } Interface Type PutBytesProc = Procedure(Var DTA; NBytes : Word; Var Bytes_Put : Word); GetBytesProc = Procedure(Var DTA; NBytes : Word; Var Bytes_Got : Word); Procedure LZHPack(Var Bytes_Written : LongInt; GetBytes : GetBytesProc; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Procedure LZHUnpack(TextSize : LongInt; GetBytes : GetBytesProc; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Implementation Const Exit_OK = 0; Exit_FAILED = 1; { LZSS Parameters } N = 4096; { Size of String buffer } F = 60; { Size of look-ahead buffer } THRESHOLD = 2; NUL = N; { end of tree's node } { Huffman coding parameters } N_Char = (256 - THRESHOLD + F); { Character code (:= 0..N_Char-1) } T = (N_Char * 2 - 1); { Size of table } R = (T - 1); { root position } { update when cumulative frequency } { reaches to this value } MAX_FREQ = $8000; { * Tables For encoding/decoding upper 6 bits of * sliding dictionary Pointer } { encoder table } p_len : Array[0..63] of Byte = ($03, $04, $04, $04, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08); p_code : Array[0..63] of Byte = ($00, $20, $30, $40, $50, $58, $60, $68, $70, $78, $80, $88, $90, $94, $98, $9C, $A0, $A4, $A8, $AC, $B0, $B4, $B8, $BC, $C0, $C2, $C4, $C6, $C8, $CA, $CC, $CE, $D0, $D2, $D4, $D6, $D8, $DA, $DC, $DE, $E0, $E2, $E4, $E6, $E8, $EA, $EC, $EE, $F0, $F1, $F2, $F3, $F4, $F5, $F6, $F7, $F8, $F9, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF); { decoder table } d_code : Array[0..255] of Byte = ($00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $09, $09, $09, $09, $09, $09, $09, $09, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0A, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0B, $0C, $0C, $0C, $0C, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0D, $0E, $0E, $0E, $0E, $0F, $0F, $0F, $0F, $10, $10, $10, $10, $11, $11, $11, $11, $12, $12, $12, $12, $13, $13, $13, $13, $14, $14, $14, $14, $15, $15, $15, $15, $16, $16, $16, $16, $17, $17, $17, $17, $18, $18, $19, $19, $1A, $1A, $1B, $1B, $1C, $1C, $1D, $1D, $1E, $1E, $1F, $1F, $20, $20, $21, $21, $22, $22, $23, $23, $24, $24, $25, $25, $26, $26, $27, $27, $28, $28, $29, $29, $2A, $2A, $2B, $2B, $2C, $2C, $2D, $2D, $2E, $2E, $2F, $2F, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $3A, $3B, $3C, $3D, $3E, $3F); d_len : Array[0..255] of Byte = ($03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $06, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $07, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08, $08); getbuf : Word = 0; getlen : Byte = 0; putlen : Byte = 0; putbuf : Word = 0; TextSize : LongInt = 0; codesize : LongInt = 0; printcount : LongInt = 0; match_position : Integer = 0; match_length : Integer = 0; Type FreqType = Array[0..T] of Word; FreqPtr = ^FreqType; PntrType = Array[0..pred(T + N_Char)] of Integer; pntrPtr = ^PntrType; SonType = Array[0..pred(T)] of Integer; SonPtr = ^SonType; TextBufType = Array[0..N + F - 2] of Byte; TBufPtr = ^TextBufType; WordRay = Array[0..N] of Integer; WordRayPtr = ^WordRay; BWordRay = Array[0..N + 256] of Integer; BWordRayPtr = ^BWordRay; Var Text_buf : TBufPtr; lson, dad : WordRayPtr; rson : BWordRayPtr; freq : FreqPtr; { cumulative freq table } { * pointing parent nodes. * area [T..(T + N_Char - 1)] are Pointers For leaves } prnt : pntrPtr; { pointing children nodes (son[], son[] + 1)} son : SonPtr; Procedure InitTree; { Initializing tree } Var i : Integer; begin For i := N + 1 to N + 256 do rson^[i] := NUL; { root } For i := 0 to N do dad^[i] := NUL; { node } end; Procedure InsertNode(R : Integer); { Inserting node to the tree } Var tmp, i, p, cmp : Integer; key : TBufPtr; c : Word; begin cmp := 1; key := @Text_buf^[R]; p := succ(N) + key^[0]; rson^[R] := NUL; lson^[R] := NUL; match_length := 0; While match_length < F do begin if (cmp >= 0) then begin if (rson^[p] <> NUL) then p := rson^[p] else begin rson^[p] := R; dad^[R] := p; Exit; end; end else begin if (lson^[p] <> NUL) then p := lson^[p] else begin lson^[p] := R; dad^[R] := p; Exit; end; end; i := 0; cmp := 0; While (i < F) and (cmp = 0) do begin inc(i); cmp := key^[i] - Text_buf^[p + i]; end; if (i > THRESHOLD) then begin tmp := pred((R - p) and pred(N)); if (i > match_length) then begin match_position := tmp; match_length := i; end; if (match_length < F) and (i = match_length) then begin c := tmp; if (c < match_position) then match_position := c; end; end; end; { While True do } dad^[R] := dad^[p]; lson^[R] := lson^[p]; rson^[R] := rson^[p]; dad^[lson^[p]] := R; dad^[rson^[p]] := R; if (rson^[dad^[p]] = p) then rson^[dad^[p]] := R else lson^[dad^[p]] := R; dad^[p] := NUL; { remove p } end; Procedure DeleteNode(p : Integer); { Deleting node from the tree } Var q : Integer; begin if (dad^[p] = NUL) then Exit; { unregistered } if (rson^[p] = NUL) then q := lson^[p] else if (lson^[p] = NUL) then q := rson^[p] else begin q := lson^[p]; if (rson^[q] <> NUL) then begin Repeat q := rson^[q]; Until (rson^[q] = NUL); rson^[dad^[q]] := lson^[q]; dad^[lson^[q]] := dad^[q]; lson^[q] := lson^[p]; dad^[lson^[p]] := q; end; rson^[q] := rson^[p]; dad^[rson^[p]] := q; end; dad^[q] := dad^[p]; if (rson^[dad^[p]] = p) then rson^[dad^[p]] := q else lson^[dad^[p]] := q; dad^[p] := NUL; end; { Huffman coding parameters } Function GetBit(GetBytes : GetBytesProc) : Integer; { get one bit } Var i : Byte; i2 : Integer; result : Word; begin While (getlen <= 8) do begin GetBytes(i, 1, result); if result = 1 then i2 := i else i2 := 0; getbuf := getbuf or (i2 shl (8 - getlen)); inc(getlen, 8); end; i2 := getbuf; getbuf := getbuf shl 1; dec(getlen); GetBit := Integer((i2 < 0)); end; Function GetByte(GetBytes : GetBytesProc) : Integer; { get a Byte } Var j : Byte; i, result : Word; begin While (getlen <= 8) do begin GetBytes(j, 1, result); if result = 1 then i := j else i := 0; getbuf := getbuf or (i shl (8 - getlen)); inc(getlen, 8); end; i := getbuf; getbuf := getbuf shl 8; dec(getlen, 8); GetByte := Integer(i shr 8); end; Procedure Putcode(l : Integer; c : Word; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); { output c bits } Var Temp : Byte; Got : Word; begin putbuf := putbuf or (c shr putlen); inc(putlen, l); if (putlen >= 8) then begin Temp := putbuf shr 8; PutBytes(Temp, 1, Got); dec(putlen, 8); if (putlen >= 8) then begin Temp := lo(putbuf); PutBytes(Temp, 1, Got); inc(codesize, 2); dec(putlen, 8); putbuf := c shl (l - putlen); end else begin putbuf := putbuf shl 8; inc(codesize); end; end; end; { initialize freq tree } Procedure StartHuff; Var i, j : Integer; begin For i := 0 to pred(N_Char) do begin freq^[i] := 1; son^[i] := i + T; prnt^[i + T] := i; end; i := 0; j := N_Char; While (j <= R) do begin freq^[j] := freq^[i] + freq^[i + 1]; son^[j] := i; prnt^[i] := j; prnt^[i + 1] := j; inc(i, 2); inc(j); end; freq^[T] := $ffff; prnt^[R] := 0; end; { reConstruct freq tree } Procedure reConst; Var i, j, k, tmp : Integer; F, l : Word; begin { halven cumulative freq For leaf nodes } j := 0; For i := 0 to pred(T) do begin if (son^[i] >= T) then begin freq^[j] := succ(freq^[i]) div 2; {@@ Bug Fix MOD -> div @@} son^[j] := son^[i]; inc(j); end; end; { make a tree : first, connect children nodes } i := 0; j := N_Char; While (j < T) do begin k := succ(i); F := freq^[i] + freq^[k]; freq^[j] := F; k := pred(j); While F < freq^[k] do dec(k); inc(k); l := (j - k) shl 1; tmp := succ(k); move(freq^[k], freq^[tmp], l); freq^[k] := F; move(son^[k], son^[tmp], l); son^[k] := i; inc(i, 2); inc(j); end; { connect parent nodes } For i := 0 to pred(T) do begin k := son^[i]; if (k >= T) then begin prnt^[k] := i; end else begin prnt^[k] := i; prnt^[succ(k)] := i; end; end; end; { update freq tree } Procedure update(c : Integer); Var i, j, k, l : Integer; begin if (freq^[R] = MAX_FREQ) then begin reConst; end; c := prnt^[c + T]; Repeat inc(freq^[c]); k := freq^[c]; { swap nodes to keep the tree freq-ordered } l := succ(c); if (k > freq^[l]) then begin While (k > freq^[l]) do inc(l); dec(l); freq^[c] := freq^[l]; freq^[l] := k; i := son^[c]; prnt^[i] := l; if (i < T) then prnt^[succ(i)] := l; j := son^[l]; son^[l] := i; prnt^[j] := c; if (j < T) then prnt^[succ(j)] := c; son^[c] := j; c := l; end; c := prnt^[c]; Until (c = 0); { Repeat it Until reaching the root } end; Var code, len : Word; Procedure EncodeChar(c : Word; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Var i : Word; j, k : Integer; begin i := 0; j := 0; k := prnt^[c + T]; { search connections from leaf node to the root } Repeat i := i shr 1; { if node's address is odd, output 1 else output 0 } if Boolean(k and 1) then inc(i, $8000); inc(j); k := prnt^[k]; Until (k = R); Putcode(j, i, PutBytes); code := i; len := j; update(c); end; Procedure EncodePosition(c : Word; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Var i, j : Word; begin { output upper 6 bits With encoding } i := c shr 6; j := p_code[i]; Putcode(p_len[i], j shl 8, PutBytes); { output lower 6 bits directly } Putcode(6, (c and $3f) shl 10, PutBytes); end; Procedure Encodeend(PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Var Temp : Byte; Got : Word; begin if Boolean(putlen) then begin Temp := lo(putbuf shr 8); PutBytes(Temp, 1, Got); inc(codesize); end; end; Function DecodeChar(GetBytes : GetBytesProc) : Integer; Var c : Word; begin c := son^[R]; { * start searching tree from the root to leaves. * choose node #(son[]) if input bit = 0 * else choose #(son[]+1) (input bit = 1) } While (c < T) do begin c := c + GetBit(GetBytes); c := son^[c]; end; c := c - T; update(c); DecodeChar := Integer(c); end; Function DecodePosition(GetBytes : GetBytesProc) : Word; Var i, j, c : Word; begin { decode upper 6 bits from given table } i := GetByte(GetBytes); c := Word(d_code[i] shl 6); j := d_len[i]; { input lower 6 bits directly } dec(j, 2); While j <> 0 do begin i := (i shl 1) + GetBit(GetBytes); dec(j); end; DecodePosition := c or i and $3f; end; { Compression } Procedure InitLZH; begin getbuf := 0; getlen := 0; putlen := 0; putbuf := 0; TextSize := 0; codesize := 0; printcount := 0; match_position := 0; match_length := 0; new(lson); new(dad); new(rson); new(Text_buf); new(freq); new(prnt); new(son); end; Procedure endLZH; begin dispose(son); dispose(prnt); dispose(freq); dispose(Text_buf); dispose(rson); dispose(dad); dispose(lson); end; Procedure LZHPack(Var Bytes_Written : LongInt; GetBytes : GetBytesProc; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Var ct : Byte; i, len, R, s, last_match_length : Integer; Got : Word; begin InitLZH; TextSize := 0; { rewind and rescan } StartHuff; InitTree; s := 0; R := N - F; fillChar(Text_buf^[0], R, ' '); len := 0; Got := 1; While (len < F) and (Got <> 0) do begin GetBytes(ct, 1, Got); if Got <> 0 then begin Text_buf^[R + len] := ct; inc(len); end; end; TextSize := len; For i := 1 to F do InsertNode(R - i); InsertNode(R); Repeat if (match_length > len) then match_length := len; if (match_length <= THRESHOLD) then begin match_length := 1; EncodeChar(Text_buf^[R], PutBytes); end else begin EncodeChar(255 - THRESHOLD + match_length, PutBytes); EncodePosition(match_position, PutBytes); end; last_match_length := match_length; i := 0; Got := 1; While (i < last_match_length) and (Got <> 0) do begin GetBytes(ct, 1, Got); if Got <> 0 then begin DeleteNode(s); Text_buf^[s] := ct; if (s < pred(F)) then Text_buf^[s + N] := ct; s := succ(s) and pred(N); R := succ(R) and pred(N); InsertNode(R); inc(i); end; end; inc(TextSize, i); While (i < last_match_length) do begin inc(i); DeleteNode(s); s := succ(s) and pred(N); R := succ(R) and pred(N); dec(len); if Boolean(len) then InsertNode(R); end; Until (len <= 0); Encodeend(PutBytes); endLZH; Bytes_Written := TextSize; end; Procedure LZHUnpack(TextSize : LongInt; GetBytes : GetBytesProc; PutBytes : PutBytesProc); Var c, i, j, k, R : Integer; c2, a : Byte; count : LongInt; Put : Word; begin InitLZH; StartHuff; R := N - F; fillChar(Text_buf^[0], R, ' '); count := 0; While count < TextSize do begin c := DecodeChar(GetBytes); if (c < 256) then begin c2 := lo(c); PutBytes(c2, 1, Put); Text_buf^[R] := c; inc(R); R := R and pred(N); inc(count); end else begin i := (R - succ(DecodePosition(GetBytes))) and pred(N); j := c - 255 + THRESHOLD; For k := 0 to pred(j) do begin c := Text_buf^[(i + k) and pred(N)]; c2 := lo(c); PutBytes(c2, 1, Put); Text_buf^[R] := c; inc(R); R := R and pred(N); inc(count); end; end; end; endLZH; end; end.