{Let me guess, you are trying to list out the files in the RAR archive, correct? Here's how I do it (this is rough, because I am cleaning it up from my source because mine handles it a little differently): } CONST errmsg:array[0..5] of string[49] = ( 'Unable to access specified file', 'Unexpected end of file', 'Unexpected read error', 'Invalid header ID encountered', 'Can''t find next entry in archive', 'File is not in RAR archive format'); method:array[0..21] of string[9] = ( 'Directory', {* Directory marker *} 'Unknown! ', {* Unknown compression type *} 'Stored ', {* No compression *} 'Packed ', {* Repeat-byte compression *} 'Squeezed ', {* Huffman with repeat-byte compression *} 'crunched ', {* Obsolete LZW compression *} 'Crunched ', {* LZW 9-12 bit with repeat-byte compression *} 'Squashed ', {* LZW 9-13 bit compression *} 'Crushed ', {* LZW 2-13 bit compression *} 'Shrunk ', {* LZW 9-13 bit compression *} 'Reduced 1', {* Probabilistic factor 1 compression *} 'Reduced 2', {* Probabilistic factor 2 compression *} 'Reduced 3', {* Probabilistic factor 3 compression *} 'Reduced 4', {* Probabilistic factor 4 compression *} 'Frozen ', {* Modified LZW/Huffman compression *} 'Imploded ', {* Shannon-Fano tree compression *} 'Imploded ', {* Shannon-Fano tree compression *} 'Fastest ', 'Fast ', 'Normal ', 'Good Comp', 'Best Comp'); TYPE outrec=record {* output information structure *} filename:string[255]; {* output filename *} date:integer; {* output date *} time:integer; {* output time *} typ:integer; {* output storage type *} csize:longint; {* output compressed size *} usize:longint; {* output uncompressed size *} end; rarheaderrec=record b:array[1..7] of byte; end; rarfilerec=record packsize:longint; unpacksize:longint; HostOS:byte; { 0 dos 1 os/2 } FileCRC:longint; mod_time:integer; mod_date:integer; rarver:byte; method:byte; fnamesize:integer; attr:longint; end; VAR out:outrec; aborted:boolean; procedure emsg(message:string); begin {* emsg - Display error message *} writeln; writeln('* '+message); aborted:=TRUE; end; function getbyte(var fp:file):char; var buf:array[0..0] of char; numread:word; c:char; begin if (not aborted) then begin blockread(fp,c,1,numread); if numread=0 then begin close(fp); emsg(errmsg[1]); end; getbyte:=c; end; end; procedure Process_RAR(var fp:file); var rar:rarfilerec; rh:rarheaderrec; rha:array[1..100] of byte; buf:array[0..25] of byte; h:integer; ad:longint; numread:word; i,stat:integer; add2:word; c:char; add:boolean; begin while (not aborted) do begin {* set up infinite loop (exit is within loop) *} add:=FALSE; blockread(fp,rh.b[1],5,numread); if numread<>5 then emsg(errmsg[2]); if (aborted) then exit; if not(rh.b[3]=$74) then exit; blockread(fp,h,2,numread); if numread<>2 then emsg(errmsg[2]); if (aborted) then exit; blockread(fp,rar,sizeof(rar),numread); if numread<>sizeof(rar) then emsg(errmsg[2]); if (aborted) then exit; out.filename:=''; for i:=1 to rar.fnamesize do {* get filename *} out.filename[i]:=getbyte(fp); out.filename[0]:=chr(rar.fnamesize); out.filename:=stripname(out.filename); out.date:=rar.mod_date; out.time:=rar.mod_time; out.csize:=rar.packsize; out.usize:=rar.unpacksize; case rar.method of $30:out.typ:=2; {* Stored *} $31:out.typ:=17; {* Shrunk *} $32:out.typ:=18; $33:out.typ:=19; $34:out.typ:=20; $35:out.typ:=21; else begin out.typ:=1; {* Unknown! *} end; end; {place call to routine that displays one file list line using the variable} {$I-} seek(fp,filepos(fp)+(h-(sizeof(rar)+7+ length(out.filename)))); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then emsg(errmsg[4]); if (aborted) then exit; {$I-} seek(fp,filepos(fp)+(rar.packsize)); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then emsg(errmsg[4]); if (aborted) then exit; end; end; procedure showrar(infile:string); var rha:array[1..15] of byte; c:char; h:word; numread:word; begin assign(fp,infile); {$I-} reset(fp,1); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin end; c:=getbyte(fp); {* determine type of archive *} if (c=$52) then begin if (ord(getbyte(fp))<>$61) then emsg(errmsg[5]); if (ord(getbyte(fp))<>$72) then emsg(errmsg[5]); if (ord(getbyte(fp))<>$21) then emsg(errmsg[5]); if (ord(getbyte(fp))<>$1a) then emsg(errmsg[5]); c:=getbyte(fp); c:=getbyte(fp); blockread(fp,rha[1],5,numread); if numread<>5 then abend(abort,next,errmsg[2]); if rha[3]<>$73 then begin emsg(errmsg[2]); end; blockread(fp,h,2,numread); if numread<>2 then emsg(errmsg[2]); blockread(fp,rha[1],6,numread); if numread<>6 then emsg(errmsg[2]); {$I-} seek(fp,filepos(fp)+(h-13)); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then emsg(errmsg[4]); writeln('Original Compress % Met'+ 'hod Date Time Filename'); writeln('-------- -------- --- '+ '--------- -------- ------ ------------'); process_RAR(fp); {* process RAR entry *} { place call to routine that displays any totals or anything you may have compiled } end else reset(fp,1); close(fp); {* close file *} end; This is not a complete unit or program because it is a cut and paste from (MANY) different source files of mine... ;) I display a bunch of different archive types and the display routines are all intertwined, so I had to cut out the RAR ones to show you here. I would not suggest reading the file byte by byte and trying to convert it. I would simply do something like what I have done here, (I meant this to be an example... not necessarily a cut and paste solution) and use the record and blockread in the record. Hope this helps somewhat! ;) George A. Roberts IV Intuitive Vision Software ivsoft@ripco.com