Program Tpac; { TPAC v1.7 by Tim Gordon 18/06/97 } { Updated and Commented for September Computer Project 14/09/97 } { Updated for submission to SWAG 20/09/97 } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} {- TPAC v1.7 Public Domain Release By Tim Gordon -------------------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { A Quick note on the PAC File format :- <- PAC File header/version -> <- 1st File header (Name/size) -> <- 1st File Contents - > <- 2nd File header -> ... } uses crt,dos; type FileHeaderType = record { Header for individual files in PAC File } Fname : string[12]; { name of file } Fsize : longint; { size of file } end; const PacHeader : string = 'TPAC'; { Pac File header } PacVersion : string = '1.7'; { Pac file version } var extractfile : array[1..10] of string[12]; { List of file specs to extract } buf : array[1..10240] of byte; { Input Buffer } Header : string[4]; { PAC File Header } version : string[3]; { PAC File Version } x : integer; { Counter } Fileheader : fileheadertype; { File Header } procedure DrawPercentage(x1,y1 : integer;num : real); { Draw Percentage Complete as a Bar } { ²²²²°°°°°°°° } var yy,z : integer; percentage : byte; begin num := num / 100; percentage := round(num*11); { Work out percentage out of 11 } textbackground(black); textcolor(lightgray); gotoxy(x1,y1); write('('); for z := 1 to percentage do write('²'); for yy := percentage to 10 do write('°'); { Draw up percentage } write(')'); end; Procedure DisplayHelp; { Show Command Line Help } begin writeln('Usage : '); writeln(' TPAC.EXE [pac_file] [option]... [filename]'); writeln; writeln('Valid Options are :'); writeln(' -a Add Files'); writeln(' -e Extract Files'); writeln(' -x Extract Files (too)'); writeln(' -l View Files'); writeln(' -? This Help'); halt; { Halt program } end; Function WildCardMatch(filename : string;Wildcard : string) : boolean; { Check if filename matches with wildcard - where wildcard can contain *'s and ?'s. Eg. timothy.tim = tim*.t?? = *t?y.*im = *.* and timothy.tim <> h*.??h } var MainPart : string[8]; { Actual name of file - before the '.' } Extention : string[3]; { last part of filename } x : integer; { counter } Wild_MP : string[8]; { Wildcard Main Part } Wild_Ex : string[3]; { Wildcard Extention } begin wildcardmatch := false; { Default } if wildcard = '' then exit; { Wont match if there isn't a filespec! } { First... Convert to caps! } for x := 1 to 12 do filename[x] := upcase(filename[x]); for x := 1 to 12 do wildcard[x] := upcase(wildcard[x]); { Check if our file names are complete } if pos('.',filename) = 0 then filename := filename + '.???'; if pos('.',wildcard) = 0 then wildcard := wildcard + '. '; { Now, Split our filename into its main part, and extention } mainpart := copy(filename,1,pos('.',filename)-1); extention := copy(filename,pos('.',filename)+1,3); wild_mp := copy(wildcard,1,pos('.',wildcard)-1); wild_ex := copy(wildcard,pos('.',wildcard)+1,3); { And Check that they are the right length } while length(mainpart) < 8 do mainpart := mainpart + ' '; while length(extention) < 3 do extention := extention + ' '; { Remeber - an asterisk fills a string out with ?s } if pos('*',wild_mp) = 0 then while length(wild_mp) < 8 do wild_mp := wild_mp + ' ' else while length(wild_mp) < 8 do wild_mp := wild_mp + '?'; if pos('*',wild_ex) = 0 then while length(wild_ex) < 3 do wild_ex := wild_ex + ' ' else while length(wild_ex) < 3 do wild_ex := wild_ex + '?'; { Now to organize our asterisks... } while pos('*',wild_mp) <> 0 do wild_mp[pos('*',wild_mp)] := '?'; while pos('*',wild_ex) <> 0 do wild_ex[pos('*',wild_ex)] := '?'; { Now we need to check if they are compatible :) } for x := 1 to 8 do if wild_mp[x] = '?' then wild_mp[x] := mainpart[x]; for x := 1 to 3 do if wild_ex[x] = '?' then wild_ex[x] := extention[x]; if (mainpart = wild_mp) and (extention = wild_ex) then wildcardmatch := true; end; Function CheckHeader(fname : string) : boolean; { Check if 'fname' is a valid PAC file } var infile : file; begin if fsearch(fname,getenv('name')) = '' then begin checkheader := false; exit; end; assign(infile,fname); reset(infile,1); blockread(infile,header,sizeof(header)); blockread(infile,version,sizeof(version)); close(infile); { Read in header/version } if (header = pacheader) and (version = pacversion) then checkheader := true else checkheader := false; { Validate } if (version <> pacversion) and (header = pacheader) then begin writeln('Version Mismatch!'); writeln('Expected Version : ',pacversion); writeln('Version Received : ',version); end; { Show Error/wotever } end; Procedure Extractfiles(pacfilename : string); var outfile : file; { Output File } pacfile : file; { .PAC File } extractit : boolean; { Used insead of ifs+elses } numread, numwrote : word; { amount of file read/written } xpos,ypos : integer; { x/y positions on screen - for neatness } begin extractit := false; writeln('Searching Archive : ',pacfilename); assign(pacfile,pacfilename); reset(pacfile,1); blockread(pacfile,header,sizeof(header)); blockread(pacfile,version,sizeof(version)); { Read header/version } if (header <> pacheader) or (version <> pacversion) then begin writeln('Major Stuff-up! : Header/version mismatch!'); close(pacfile); halt; end; { validate header/version } repeat extractit := false; blockread(pacfile,fileheader,sizeof(fileheader)); for x := 1 to 20 do if wildcardmatch(fileheader.fname,extractfile[x]) then extractit := true; if extractit then begin writeln('Extracting: ',fileheader.fname:12,' '); xpos := wherex; ypos := wherey; assign(outfile,fileheader.fname); rewrite(outfile,1); end; if extractit then for x := 1 to fileheader.fsize div 10240 do begin blockread(pacfile,buf,sizeof(buf),numread); blockwrite(outfile,buf,numread,numwrote); end else seek(pacfile,filepos(pacfile)+fileheader.fsize); if extractit then begin blockread(pacfile,buf,(fileheader.fsize mod 10240),numread); blockwrite(outfile,buf,numread); close(outfile); end; until eof(pacfile); close(pacfile); end; procedure Addfiles(pacfilename : string); var Infile : file; Pacfile : file; numread, numwrote : word; DirInfo : SearchRec; x,y : integer; xpos,ypos : integer; begin assign(pacfile,pacfilename); for x := 1 to length(pacfilename) do pacfilename[x] := upcasE(pacfilename[x]); if fsearch(pacfilename,getenv('name')) = '' then begin rewrite(pacfile,1); header := pacheader; version := pacversion; blockwrite(pacfile,header,sizeof(header)); blockwrite(pacfile,version,sizeof(version)); writeln('Creating PAC: ',pacfilename); end else begin writeln('Updating PAC: ',pacfilename); reset(pacfile,1); seek(pacfile,filesize(pacfile)); end; FindFirst('*.*', Archive, DirInfo); while DosError = 0 do begin for x := 1 to 10 do if wildcardmatch(,extractfile[x]) then if <> pacfilename then begin x := 10; assign(infile,; reset(infile,1); fileheader.fname :=; fileheader.fsize := filesize(infile); blockwrite(pacfile,fileheader,sizeof(fileheader)); write('Adding: ',fileheader.fname:12,' '); xpos := wherex; ypos := wherey; y := 0; repeat drawpercentage(xpos,ypos,round(filepos(infile) / fileheader.fsize*100)); {writeln(round(filepos(infile) / fileheader.fsize*100));} blockread(infile,buf,sizeof(buf),numread); blockwrite(pacfile,buf,numread,numwrote); inc(Y); until (numread <> numwrote) or (numread = 0); gotoxy(xpos,ypos); {write('[',filepos(infile) / fileheader.fsize*100:3:0,'%],Done.');} writeln; close(infile); end; FindNext(DirInfo); end; close(pacfile); end; procedure ListFiles(pacfilename : string); var pacfile : file; numread, numwrote : word; y : integer; totalsize : longint; numfiles : integer; begin numfiles := 0; totalsize := 0; y := 1; writeln('Searching Archive : ',pacfilename); assign(pacfile,pacfilename); reset(pacfile,1); blockread(pacfile,header,sizeof(header)); blockread(pacfile,version,sizeof(version)); if (header <> pacheader) or (version <> pacversion) then begin writeln('Major Stuff-up! : Header/Version Mismatch!'); close(pacfile); halt; end; writeln(' Filename Size'); writeln('------------------------------------------'); repeat inc(y); if y = 24 then begin write('Press any key to continue.'); readln; y := 1; end; blockread(pacfile,fileheader,sizeof(fileheader)); writeln(fileheader.fname:12,fileheader.fsize:24,' bytes'); seek(pacfile,filepos(pacfile)+fileheader.fsize); inc(totalsize,fileheader.fsize); inc(numfiles); { Move past current file in pacfile, to next file header } until eof(pacfile); writeln('------------------------------------------'); writeln(numfiles:12,' Files',totalsize:18,' bytes'); close(pacfile); end; Procedure RunProgram; var PacFileName : string; param : string; begin PacFilename := paramstr(1); if pos('.',Pacfilename) = 0 then Pacfilename := Pacfilename + '.pac'; param := paramstr(2); param[2] := upcase(param[2]); if (param[1] <> '-') and (param[1] <> '/') then begin writeln('And... what am I supposed to do now???'); halt; end; if (param[2] = 'E') or (param[2] = 'X') then begin if fsearch(Pacfilename,getenv('name')) = '' then begin writeln('PAC File : ',Pacfilename,' isn''t there, stupid!'); halt; end; if paramcount < 3 then begin writeln('No FileSpec... Assuming *.*'); for x := 1 to 10 do extractfile[x] := ''; extractfile[1] := '*.*'; end else begin for x := 1 to 10 do extractfile[x] := ''; for x := 1 to paramcount-2 do extractfile[x] := paramstr(x+2); end; ExtractFiles(Pacfilename); { procedure uses "extractfile" var } end; if param[2] = 'A' then begin if paramcount < 3 then begin writeln('No Filespec... Assuming *.*'); for x := 1 to 10 do extractfile[x] := ''; extractfile[1] := '*.*'; end else begin for x := 1 to 10 do extractfile[x] := ''; for x := 1 to paramcount-2 do extractfile[x] := paramstr(x+2); end; AddFiles(Pacfilename); end; if param[2] = 'L' then begin if fsearch(Pacfilename,getenv('name')) = '' then begin writeln('PAC File : ',Pacfilename,' isn''t there, stupid!'); halt; end; ListFiles(Pacfilename); end; end; {- Main Program -------------------------------------------------------------} begin textbackground(black); clrscr; writeln('TPAC v1.7 by Tim Gordon (This one uses wildcards!)'); writeln('---------------------------------------------------'); if paramstr(1) = '-?' then displayhelp; { Displays Help if -? parameter is used } if paramcount = 0 then displayhelp; { Displays help if no parameters were used } RunProgram; { Run Main program } end.