{ From: SEAN PALMER Subj: Text Fonts in ASM } Procedure SetAsciiChar(Charnum : Word; Var Data); Assembler; ASM mov ah,11h mov al,10h mov bh,10h mov bl,0 mov cx,1 {set 1 character only} mov dx,charnum {what charnum to modify } mov bp,seg data {seg of the char} mov es,bp mov bp,offset data {ofs of the char} int 10h End; { This has been reputed to work. Although I didn't write it (Salim Samhara I think is who did) and if I did I would have changed it to load ax and bx as one unit instead of ah and al, then bh and bl. With this though you have to have the buffer in the data segment, not on the stack. So here's how I would do it: } Procedure LoadFont (FileName : String); Type FontType=Array [char] of Array [0..15] of Byte; Var F : File of FontType; Font : FontType; Begin Assign (F, FileName); Reset (F); Read (F,Font); Close (F); Asm mov ax,$1100 mov bx,$1000 mov cx,$0100 xor dx,dx mov es,seg Font mov bp,offset Font Int $10 end; End;