{*************************************************************************) Program name: Command parse sub routines Author: Kenneth W. Fox 1449 Maple Rd. KintnersVille Pa. 18930 USA Date Started : 5 AUG 1992 Date finished: 10 jan 1993 date last Rev: 20 JAn 1993 ************************************************************************* Commandline args: ----------------- NONE Description of Program: ----------------------- set of Procedures to handle all commandline Parameters With or without regard to Case -- selected by the Boolean Var Nocase -- if True then everrything is converted to uppercase prior to testing all arguments returned from switches are left in whatever Case they were entered on the commandline unless ConvertArgsToUpper is set to True. Includes following Procedures: Procedure NAME : PURPOSE ------------------------:------------------------------------------------- FnameCheck : to validate Program name stops people from renanming the Program if you don't want them to -- if you don't care then don't call this routine. DispCmdline : use to display commandline parameters when debugging ConvertArgtoNumber : converts specified arg from a String to a numeric value. CheckHelp : routine to check to see if the Strings designated as commandline help Strings are present or not. the use of this routine requires the File Helpuser.pas. Additionally this routine checks to see if the 'info' switch was present -- conveniaet way to display registration info in share ware.. CmdParse : main routine to parse command line-- this Procedure is called With Various arguments to alter the content of the CmdArray data structure. Additonal mods to be made: --------------------------- 1) add subroutine in cmdline parser to capture delimited Strings (such as those between quotes) 2) add subroutine to check if any items one the commandline besides the valid switches and such were present -- to be used For spotting invalid commandline parameters return value should be Boolean invalid and the paramString(#)... NOTES: may run into trouble writing the routine when the delimited Strings Function is added.. possible errors include capturing elements of the delimited String as invalid args -- will also check For no closing delimiter.. 3) develop a version of the cmd line parser which Uses a linked list instead of a set of Arrays to save the values in -- will save some memory.. 4) convert the whole Procedure to an itelligent macro which merely requires a list of the command args (doesn't use a fixed Array size -- will dynamically allocate space based on number of arguments specified in the arg pickup header File. regrettably , some form of header File will need to be used in order to specify what will be searched For -- 5) a possible solution is a way to make a mini compiler macro which will read in the switches to be processed from a File along With definitions eventually convert the whole thing into a Unit // overlay . Rev History: ------------ notes on errors -- if the switch Strings are not Varying their length when Const SwitchLength is changed, then the $I CmdParse.H File is not in the correct path remember that the commandArray initialization Procedure is in the CmdParse.h File and the appropriate adjustments to the qty and values of the switches need to be made there .. if you are experiencing problems With the capture of switches, ensure that you ahe init'd you Array values correctly added Boolean present field For argdsw Array 9/5/92 -- moved the call to initCmdArray from the calling routine into the initialization section of cmdparse.pas -- because i forgot to add it to chkLabel.pas and was going nuts tring to find the error. live and learn. 9/5/92 -- added the DispCmdline Procedure as a result of the above session of psychosis.. 9/6/92 -- re organized cmdparse.pas into more subroutines -- made it easier to follow what was going on.. also added removeable code to implement a delimited String parser.. this routine will need to access the commandline directly instead of using the ParamStr() (99 min left), (H)elp, More? Function of turbo. 9/6/92 -- added the ConvertArgtoNumber routine **** NOTE ***** "HelpUser" is a Procedure I add to all Programs which use command line args or otherwise -- I normally use an $I IncludeFile to implement it.. the Include Staement MUST occur BEFORE the include StaTement For CmdParse.pas File.. or you can delete the reference to the File from the Program 9/6/92 -- added the standard help codes to the switches Array in cmdParse.H ( /? , /h , /H , help , HELP ). 9/6/92 -- added FnameCheck to this File-- FnameCheck requires a Constant or String called "ProgName" containing the name of the MAIN Program it checks the ParamStr(0) to verify that the Filename of the Program has not been renamed -- useful For copyright purposes, annoying to users.. use at own peril 9/6/92 -- updated header File to list Procedures avail in cmdparse.pas 1/8/93 -- added the info switch to and DisplayInfo routines to show registration / info request address. end desc. } {HEADER File For cmdparse.pas -- include in Calling File } {PROGNAME.pas} {<<<<----- Program using this header File } { 20 Jan 1993} {<<<<----- date this File last changed } { Ken Fox } {<<<<----- Person who last updated this File} (* Uses Dos,Crt; Const VersionNum = 'V1.0 BETA'; ProgNameStr = 'NEWPROJ.EXE'; ProgNameShortStr = 'NP.EXE'; copyRightStr = ProgNameStr+' ' + VersionNum + ', Copyright 1992 - 1993, Ken Fox. All Rights Reserved.'; DefaultFileName = 'NEWPROJ.DAT'; *) {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { procs Available in CmdParse.H } { Procedure initCmdArray(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType); } { this proc is included in ths File becuase the args to check For are } { part of the calling routine, not the parser itself. note that the excess } { switches are commented out and will there For not compile but it will } { make it easier to add stuff in the future should you so desire } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { procs Available in CmdParse.Pas } { additional info on the following procs may be found in the cmdparse.Pas } { File in the ....\tp\include directory.. } { } { Procedure DispCmdline; } { } { Procedure CmdParse(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; } { NoCase, } { ConvertArgsToUpper : Boolean ); } { } { Procedure ConvertArgtoNumber(ArgNum : Integer; } { Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; } { Var ResultNumber: Word); } { } { Procedure FnameCheck(progname , progname2 :pathStr; } { errorlevel : Byte); } { } { Procedure CheckHelp; } { } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} Const SwitchLength = 4; { maxlegth of a switch to be tested for} ArgLength = 11; { max length of an argument from the commandline} DelimLength = 1; { maxlength of delimiter if used} SwitchNum = 6; { the number of switches and hence the size of the Array} { of switches without arguments } ArgdSwitchNum = 2; { the number of switches and hence the size of the Array} { of switches With arguments } DelimNum = 1; { number of args With delimited Strings } Type SwitchType = String[Switchlength]; ArgType = String[ArgLength]; DelimType = String[DelimLength]; SwitchesType = Record Switch : Array[1..SwitchNum] of SwitchType; Present : Array[1..switchNum] of Boolean end; SwitchWithArgType = Record Switch : Array[1..ArgdSwitchNum] Of SwitchType; Arg : Array[1..ArgdSwitchNum] Of ArgType; Present : Array[1..ArgdSwitchNum] of Boolean end; SwitchedArgWithEmbeddedSpacesType = Record Switch : Array[1..DelimNum] Of SwitchType; StartDelim : Array[1..DelimNum] of DelimType; Arg : Array[1..DelimNum] Of ArgType; endDelim : Array[1..DelimNum] of DelimType; Present : Array[1..DelimNum] of Boolean end; CommandLineArrayType = Record Switches : SwitchesType; ArgDSw : SwitchWithArgType; { DelimSw : SwitchedArgWithEmbeddedSpacesType; } NoParams : Boolean {True if nothing on commandline} end; Var NoCase, ConvertArgsToUpper : Boolean; CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; Procedure initCmdArray(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType); begin {DEFAULT VALUES SET} NoCase := True; ConvertArgsToUpper := True; with CmdArray do begin Switches.Switch[1] := '/?' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[2] := '/h' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[3] := '/H' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[4] := 'HELP' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[5] := 'help' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[6] := 'INFO' {show author contact Info} { Switches.Switch[6] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[7] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[8] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[9] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[10] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[11] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { Switches.Switch[12] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[1] := '' ;} {not used} { ArgDSw.Switch[2] := '' ;} {not used} { ArgDSw.Switch[3] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[4] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[5] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[6] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[7] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[8] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[9] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[10] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[11] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[12] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[13] := '' ;} {NOT USED} (* With DelimSw Do { Switch[1] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[1] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[1] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[2] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[2] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[2] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[3] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[3] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[3] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[4] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[4] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[4] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[5] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[5] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[5] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[6] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[6] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[6] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[7] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[7] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[7] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[8] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[8] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[8] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[9] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[9] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[9] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[10] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[10] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[10] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[11] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[11] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[11] := '' ; } {NOT USED} (99 min left), (H)elp, More? { Switch[12] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[12] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[12] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[13] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[13] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[13] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { Switch[14] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { StartDelim[14] := '' ; } {NOT USED} { endDelim[14] := '' ; } {NOT USED} end {with DelimSw } *) end; {WITH CmdArray} end; Procedure CmdParse(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; NoCase, ConvertArgsToUpper : Boolean ); { Procedure to handle all commandline Parameters With or without regard } {to Case -- selected by the Boolean Var Nocase -- if True then everrything} {is converted to uppercase prior to testing} {all arguments returned from switches are left in whatever Case they were } {entered on the commandline unless ConvertArgsToUpper is set to True.} Const Blank = ' '; Var counter : Integer; Blanks : ArgType; {+++++++++++++++++++++++ Private Procedures to CmdParse Main +++++++++++++} Procedure ConvertArgsToUpperCase(Var CmdArray:CommandLineArrayType); Var Counter, Counter2 : Integer; begin {--------->>>> ConvertArgsToUpperCase <<<<------------} For Counter := 1 to ArgDSwitchNum Do For Counter2 := 1 to Length(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Arg[counter]) DO CmdArray.ArgDSw.Arg[counter,Counter2] := UPCASE(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Arg[counter,Counter2] ); end; {--------->>>> ConvertArgsToUpperCase <<<<------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ConvertSwitchesToUpperCase(Var CmdArray:CommandLineArrayType); Var Counter, Counter2 : Integer; begin {--------->>>> ConvertSwitchesToUpperCase <<<<------------} For Counter := 1 to SwitchNum Do begin For Counter2 := 1 to Length(CmdArray.Switches.Switch[counter]) DO CmdArray.Switches.Switch[counter,Counter2] := UPCASE(CmdArray.Switches.Switch[counter,Counter2]); end; For Counter := 1 to ArgDSwitchNum Do For Counter2 := 1 to Length(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[counter]) DO CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[counter,Counter2] := UPCASE(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[counter,Counter2] ); end; {--------->>>> ConvertSwitchesToUpperCase <<<<------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure InitializeArrays(Var CmdArray:CommandLineArrayType; Var Nocase : Boolean ); Var Counter : Integer; begin {--------->>>> InitializeArrays <<<<------------} cmdArray.NoParams := False; For Counter := 1 to SwitchNum Do CmdArray.Switches.present[counter] := False; For Counter := 1 to ArgDSwitchNum Do begin CmdArray.ArgDSw.present[counter] := False; CmdArray.ArgDSw.Arg[counter] := Blanks; end; if NoCase then {convert all Switches in CmdArray} ConvertSwitchesToUpperCase(CmdArray); {to uppercaseif nocase is set to } {True} end; {--------->>>> InitializeArrays <<<<------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ParseNow(Var CmdArray:CommandLineArrayType; Var Nocase : Boolean ); Var Counter,Counter2, Start, SwitLen,CurrentArgLen : Integer; Blanks : ArgType; TestStr : SwitchType; WorkStr : String; Label Next_Parameter; begin {--------->>>> ParseNow <<<<------------} {check For switches without args first} For counter := 1 to ParamCount Do begin {number of Parameters Loop} TestStr:= ParamStr(counter); if Nocase Then { covert paramStr(counter) to upper Case if NoCase} begin { is set to True} WorkStr := TestStr; For Counter2 := 1 to SwitchLength DO TestStr[counter2] := UPCASE((WorkStr[counter2])); end; For Counter2 := 1 to SwitchNum Do begin { Switches without arguments loop } SwitLen := Length(CmdArray.Switches.Switch[Counter2]); if CmdArray.Switches.Switch[Counter2] = Copy(TestStr,1,SwitLen) then begin CmdArray.Switches.Present[Counter2] := True; Goto Next_Parameter; end; end; { Switches without arguments loop } For counter2 := 1 to ArgDSwitchNum Do begin { Switches With arguments test loop } SwitLen := Length(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[Counter2]); if CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[Counter2] = Copy(TestStr,1,SwitLen) then begin CmdArray.ArgDSw.present[Counter2] := True; Start := length(CmdArray.ArgDSw.Switch[Counter2]) + 1; CurrentArgLen := length(paramStr(counter)) - (start-1); CmdArray.ArgDSw.Arg[Counter2] := Copy(ParamStr(Counter),Start,CurrentArgLen); Goto Next_Parameter; {used inplace of an Exit} end; end; { Switches With arguments test loop } next_parameter:; {used to speed up execution -- Exit doesn't work here} end; {number of Parameters Loop} end; {--------->>>> ParseNow <<<<------------} Procedure Parsedelimited(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; NoCase, ConvertArgsToUpper : Boolean ); {this Procedure will bag any String on the commandline With embedded spaces} (* and is delimited by Characters such as "" , {}, [], (), <>, ^^, etc ...*) begin {--------->>>> Parsedelimited <<<<------------} end; {--------->>>> Parsedelimited <<<<------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {+++++++++++++++++++ end Private Procedures to CmdParse Main +++++++++++++} {==================================== MAIN Procedure ===================} begin {+++++++++>>>> Procedure CmdParse <<<<++++++++++++} {Init Arrays} For counter := 1 to ArgLength do { the String Blanks needs to be } Blanks[Counter] := Blank; { global because most routines } { are useing it } InitCmdArray(CmdArray); { this Procedure located in the cmdparse.h File} { assigns values to switches, etc.} InitializeArrays(CmdArray,NoCase); If ParamCount = 0 then { check command line For null String} begin { if nullString then set No Params } cmdArray.NoParams := True; { and return to the calling routine } Exit; end; ParseNow(CmdArray, Nocase); { routine parses the commandline } { passing through the switches w/o } { arguments first. When Delimited } { If Not(NoDelimited) then } { switch parsing is added, it will } { Parsedelimited(CmdArray,NoCase);} { occur after all other parsing } { as a seperate routine to follow } { PARSENOW -- additionally -- add } { Boolean Value "NoDelimited" to } { calling routine and Cmdparse.h } { to bypass checking For delimited } if ConvertArgsToUpper then ConvertArgsToUpperCase(CmdArray); end; {+++++++++>>>> Procedure CmdParse <<<<++++++++++++} {====================== end CmdParse MAIN Procedure ===================} { /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} { Parser Utility routines } { /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} Procedure ConvertArgtoNumber(ArgNum : Integer; Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; Var ResultNumber: Word); Var code : Integer; begin {----------->>>> ConvertArgtoNumber <<<<---------------} Val(CmdArray.ArgDsw.Arg[ArgNum],ResultNumber,code); if code <> 0 then begin WriteLn('Error commandline argument: ', CmdArray.ArgDsw.Switch[ArgNum],' ', CmdArray.ArgDsw.Arg[ArgNum]); Writeln('press enter to continue'); readln; HelpUser; {see notes} end; end; {----------->>>> ConvertArgtoNumber <<<<---------------} {/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} Procedure FnameCheck(progname, progname2 :pathStr; errorlevel : Byte); Var teststr1,teststr2 :pathStr; begin {----------->>>> FnameCheck <<<<---------------} teststr1 := copy(paramstr(0),(length(paramstr(0)) - (Length(progname)-1) ), Length(progname)); teststr2 := copy(paramstr(0),(length(paramstr(0)) - (Length(progname2)-1) ), Length(progname2)); if ((teststr1 <> ProgName) and (teststr2 <> ProgName2)) then begin WriteLn('Unrecoverable Error in ',progname, ', Check FileNAME'); halt(Errorlevel); end; end; {----------->>>> FnameCheck <<<<---------------} {/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} Procedure DispCmdline; { use For debugging -- displays the command line parameters} { readln at end shows screen Until enter is pressed} VAr Count : Integer; begin ClrScr; For Count := 1 to SwitchNum do if CmdArray.Switches.present[count] then WriteLn(CmdArray.Switches.Switch[count],' Present'); For Count := 1 to ArgdSwitchNum do if CmdArray.ArgDsw.present[count] then begin WriteLn(CmdArray.ArgDsw.Switch[count],' Present.'); WriteLn('Value of: ',CmdArray.ArgDsw.Arg[count]); end; Writeln; Write('press ENTER to continue'); ReadLn; Halt(0); end; Procedure CheckHelp; Var COUNT : Byte; begin For count := 1 to 5 do if cmdArray.Switches.Present[Count] then helpUser; if cmdArray.Switches.Present[6] then displayinfo; end; {---------------------------Helpuser --------------------------} Procedure HelpUser; begin ClrScr; Writeln (CopyRightStr); WriteLn; WriteLn('USAGE: '); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; Writeln; Writeln('Press Enter to continue.'); ReadLn; Writeln; WriteLn('EXAMPLE:...............................'); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn; Writeln (CopyRightStr); halt(0); end; {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure DisplayInfo; begin ClrScr; Writeln(copyrightStr); Writeln; Writeln('Ken Fox'); WriteLn('1449 Maple Rd.'); Writeln('Kintnersville Pa. 18930'); WriteLn('215 672-9713 9 - 5 EST'); Writeln; Writeln('Contact on shareware conference on Internet -- KEN FOX'); Writeln; halt(0); end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} this info is For all of the PASCAL conference people: to use the rotuines in this Program you need to do the following {$I path.......\Progname.h} {$I Path.......\Helpuser.PAS} {$I path.......\CMDPARSE.PAS} progname.H is a copy of the CMDPARSE.H File which contains the specific settings For the Program you are writing . HELPUSER.PAS is a Program specific help routine which get called by the routie CHECKHELP in CMDPARSE.PAS if the CheckHelp Procedure is used in the main Program. crude but effective. CMDPARSE.PAS -- this File contains all of the parsing routines. I keep this File in my .....\TP\INCLUDE directory . I set up a sepearte directory below the tp directory For each Program and copy the Files Helpuser.Pas and cmdparse.h into it thusly each copy of these two Files is customized For the give application While the actual parsing routines are kept in the INCLUDED FileS directory. there's no need to modify CMDPARSE.PAS using the parser.. 1) in the CMDPARSE.H File there are templates For all of the Array initializations. the switches to search For are manually inserted in to each Array item. additionally the Array sizes must be set where indicated in the CMDPARSE.H File. {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} THE FOLLOWING ARE THE SETTINGS For Array SIZES {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} Const SwitchLength = 4; { maxlegth of a switch to be tested for} ArgLength = 11; { max length of an argument from the commandline} DelimLength = 1; { maxlength of delimiter if used} SwitchNum = 6; { the number of switches and hence the size of the Array} { of switches without arguments } ArgdSwitchNum = 2; { the number of switches and hence the size of the Array} { of switches With arguments } DelimNum = 1; { number of args With delimited Strings } {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} THE FOLLOWING SHOW HOW to INIT THE Array SEARCH VarIABLES.. THESE LINES ARE ALL CONTAINED in ---->>>> CMDPARSE.H {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} Switches.Switch[1] := '/?' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[2] := '/h' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[3] := '/H' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[4] := 'HELP' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[5] := 'help' ; {default help String} Switches.Switch[6] := 'INFO' {show author contact Info} { Switches.Switch[6] := ' ' ;} {NOT USED} {---------------------------------} THE FOLLOWING ARE For SWITCHES WHICH WILL CAPTURE A VALUE AS WELL AS TEST For THE PRESENCE of THE ARGUMENT {---------------------------------} { ArgDSw.Switch[1] := '' ;} {not used} { ArgDSw.Switch[2] := '' ;} {not used} { ArgDSw.Switch[3] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[4] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[5] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[6] := '' ;} {NOT USED} { ArgDSw.Switch[7] := '' ;} {NOT USED} {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} 2) if you intend to use the routines in HELPUSER.PAS or to perform a Filename validation -- there is a template at the beginning of CMDPARSE.H with Certain Constants which must be set. Uses Dos,Crt; Const VersionNum = 'V1.0 BETA'; ProgNameStr = 'NEWPROJ.EXE'; ProgNameShortStr = 'NP.EXE'; copyRightStr = ProgNameStr+' ' + VersionNum + ', Copyright 1992 - 1993, Ken Fox. All Rights Reserved.'; DefaultFileName = 'NEWPROJ.DAT'; {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} 3) To call the Various routines in the CMDPARSE.PAS File there are Templates which you can cut and paste into you Program from CMDPARSE.H {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { procs Available in CmdParse.Pas } { additional info on the following procs may be found in the cmdparse.Pas } { File in the ....\tp\include directory.. } { } { Procedure DispCmdline; } { } { Procedure CmdParse(Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; } { NoCase, } { ConvertArgsToUpper : Boolean ); } { } { Procedure ConvertArgtoNumber(ArgNum : Integer; } { Var CmdArray : CommandLineArrayType; } { Var ResultNumber: Word); } { } { Procedure FnameCheck(progname , progname2 :pathStr; } { errorlevel : Byte); } { } { Procedure CheckHelp; } { } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} 4) To test whether an ON/OFF switch is present (such as /?) on the commandline use the following: if CmdArray.Switches.Present[number] then begin end; 5) to get the argument from a switch . if CmdArray.ArgDsw.Present[number] then WhatEverVariable := CmdArray.ArgDsw.Arg[number]; 6) the Procedure ConvertArgtoNumber is avail to convert a String on the command line to a decimal number.. this is only good for for whole numbers w/o nnn.0000111 etc. hope this stuff is useful -- there are other notes and comments sprinkled throughout so please check those before calling.. finally - in the interest traversing the command tail only once the most henious of Programming Constructs -- the Goto statement -- has been used. please forgive me in advance.... questions comments and suggestions are welcome.. see the address in the CMDPASE.DOC File..