{ > Is it Possible to find out what the colors are that are > currently being used? I don't know how else to phrase it, I > know you can find out the Values of the Various pixels on > the screen. But how can I find out the Various red, green > and blue Values that correspond to the specific color? } Procedure ReadPalette(Start,Finish:Byte;P:Pointer); Var I, NumColors : Word; InByte : Byte; begin P := Ptr (Seg(P^),Ofs(P^)+Start*3); NumColors := (Finish - Start + 1) * 3; Port [$03C7] := Start; For I := 0 to NumColors do begin InByte := Port [$03C9]; Mem [Seg(P^):Ofs(P^)+I] := InByte; end; end; { > But, how do I find out exactly what color #200 is? It must > be held in memory some place. Can anyone supply a Procedure, > Function or some insight into this? You would just supply the Start as 200, finish as 200, and Ptr P would point to your data... You could easily Change this routine to Supply only one color as Variables if needed.... Hope this helped.. }