PROGRAM HighBack; USES Dos,Crt; TYPE AttrType = (Blinking,HighInt); PROCEDURE SelectAttribute(Attribute: AttrType); VAR Reg :Registers; BEGIN Reg.ah := $10; := 3; CASE Attribute OF HighInt : := 0; Blinking : := 1 END; Intr($10,Reg) END; PROCEDURE SetBackground(BG: Byte); BEGIN BG := (BG AND $F) SHL 4; {Limit to range 0 - 15, then shift up} Crt.TextAttr := (Crt.TextAttr MOD 16) + BG; END; PROCEDURE SetForeground(FG: Byte); BEGIN FG := (FG AND $F); {Limit to range 0 - 15} Crt.TextAttr := (Crt.TextAttr AND $F0) + FG; END; FUNCTION GetBackground: Byte; BEGIN GetBackground := Crt.TextAttr DIV 16; END; FUNCTION GetForeground: Byte; BEGIN GetForeground := Crt.TextAttr MOD 16; END; CONST Flip : Integer = 0; BGM : Byte = Black; FGM : Byte = White; VAR BG, FG : Byte; A : Char; BEGIN {Initialize screen} TextMode(CO80); TextBackGround(BGM); TextColor(FGM); ClrScr; {Display demo color combinations} GotoXY(35,1);WriteLn('Foreground'); Write('Background '); FOR FG := 0 TO $F DO Write(FG:3,' '); WriteLn;WriteLn; FOR BG:= 0 TO $F DO BEGIN {Cycle through colors} SetBackground(BGM); Write(BG:5,' '); SetBackground(BG); FOR FG := 0 TO $F DO BEGIN SetForeground(FG); {Adjust FG for visibilty} Write(Crt.TextAttr:4); END; WriteLn; END; GotoXY(18,25); {Create prompt} SetBackground(LightCyan); SetForeground(Black); Write('Press to quit, any other key to swap attributes'); A := ' '; {Loop to swap attributes} WHILE Ord(A) <> 27 DO BEGIN CASE Flip OF 0 : SelectAttribute(HighInt); -1 : SelectAttribute(Blinking); END; Flip := NOT Flip; A := ReadKey; END; TextMode(CO80); ClrScr END.