{ HERB BROWN Anybody using any of the public domain fossil units? You are? Great! Here is a procedure to add ring detection to them. Fos_ringing works by "peeking" into the buffers for a carriage return. After a ring is detected by your modem, the CR will be the last character in your buffer. You could re-write the following to retrieve a connect string, if you wanted. Since the fossil takes care of the dirty bussiness, at the moment I wasn't worried about it. Once you establish the phone rang, simply send an ATA to the modem and delay for about 11-15 seconds for connection. (maybe more for higher speed modems.) What really has me puzzled, though, of all the PD code for fossils, nothing like this was ever included. } Function Fos_Ringing(ComPort : Byte) : Boolean; var CC : Char; begin Fos_Ringing := False; Regs.Ah := $0C; Regs.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr($14, Regs); if regs.ax = $FFFF then Fos_ringing := false else begin cc := chr(regs.al); if cc = #13 then Fos_ringing := true; end; end;