{ From: WIM VAN DER VEGT Subj: Accessing the phone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, works great and is quite simple. Have modified it a litte so it attaches the ATDT command and waits for the user to pick up the phone. After that it hangs-up the modem. I forgot how easy it is to send SOME characters to the serial port. } Uses Crt; PROCEDURE PhoneDialler (Number : String; Port : Byte); var SerialPort : text; { Yes, a text file! } begin Case Port of 1 : Assign (SerialPort, 'COM1'); 2 : Assign (SerialPort, 'COM2'); 3 : Assign (SerialPort, 'COM3'); 4 : Assign (SerialPort, 'COM4'); end; { CASE } Rewrite (SerialPort); Writeln('Tone dialing ',Number,'.'); Writeln (SerialPort, 'ATDT'+Number); {----Should be large enough to dial the longest number} Delay(6*1000); Write('Pick up the phone, then press space '); WHILE NOT(Keypressed AND (Readkey=#32)) DO Begin Write('.'); Delay(1000); End; Writeln; Writeln('Shuting down modem.'); Writeln (SerialPort,'ATH0'); Close (SerialPort) end; { of PROCEDURE 'Phone Dialler' } Begin PhoneDialler('045-762288',2); End.