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Interface Uses Dos, Crt; Const CTS_RTS = 2; { To Control Flow Control } XON_XOFF = 9; Type Fossil_Struct = Record StructSize : Word; MajorVer : Byte; MinVer : Byte; FOS_ID : Array [1..2] of Word; Inp_Buffer : Word; Recv_Bytes : Word; Out_Buffer : Word; Send_Bytes : Word; SWidth : Byte; SHeight : Byte; BaudRate : Byte End; Var FosPort : Byte; Function Install_Fossil (ComPort:Byte):Boolean; Procedure Close_Fossil (ComPort:Byte); Procedure Set_Fossil (ComPort:Byte; BaudRate:LongInt; DataBits:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte); Procedure SendChar (K:Char); Procedure SendString (S:String); Function GetChar:Char; Function Fossil_Chars:Boolean; Function Fossil_Carrier:Boolean; Procedure Fossil_DTR (ComPort:Byte; State:Boolean); Procedure Hangup; Procedure Fossil_Timer (Var Tick_Int, Ints_Sec:Byte; MS_Tics:Integer); Procedure Fossil_OutPut_FLUSH (ComPort:Byte); Procedure Fossil_Nuke_Input (ComPort:Byte); Procedure Fossil_Nuke_OutPut (ComPort:Byte); Function NoWait_Send (K:Char):Boolean; Function Fossil_Peek:Char; {Function Fossil_GetChar:Char;} Function Fossil_Wait:Char; Procedure Fossil_FLOW (State:Byte); Procedure Set_CtrlC (ComPort, State:Byte); Function CtrlC_Check (ComPort:Byte):Boolean; Procedure Fossil_GotoXY (X,Y:Byte); Procedure Fossil_Position (Var X,Y:Byte); Function Fossil_WhereX:Byte; Function Fossil_WhereY:Byte; Procedure ANSI_Write (K:Char); Procedure WatchDog (Status:Boolean); Procedure BIOS_Write (K:Char); Function Add_Fossil_Proc (Var P):Boolean; Function Delete_Fossil_Proc (Var P):Boolean; Procedure WarmBoot; Procedure ColdBoot; Function Fossil_BlockRead (Bytes:Word; Var Buffer):Integer; Function Fossil_BlockWrite (Bytes:Word; Var Buffer):Integer; Function Fossil_Descrip (ComPort:Byte):String; Function Fos_Ringing: Boolean; Implementation Var R:Registers; Procedure Delay (I:Integer); Begin R.Ah := $86; Move (I,R.Cx,2); Intr ($15,R) End; Function Install_Fossil (ComPort:Byte):Boolean; Begin { Initializes the Specified } R.Ah := $04; { Communications Port } R.Dx := ComPort - 1; { Sets FOSPORT to COMPORT } R.Bx := $4F50; Intr ($14,R); Install_Fossil := R.Ax = $1954; FosPort := ComPort - 1 End; Procedure Close_Fossil (ComPort:Byte); { Closes the Initialized } Begin { Communications Port } R.Ah := $05; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R); FosPort := 255 End; Procedure Set_Fossil (ComPort:Byte; BaudRate:LongInt; DataBits:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte); Var Baud,Code:Byte; { Sets the to the COMPORT } Begin { The BaudRate, DataBits, } Case BaudRate of { The Parity, And StopBits } 1200 : Baud := 128; { Sets FOSPORT to COMPORT } 2400 : Baud := 160; 4800 : Baud := 192; 9600 : Baud := 224; 19200 : Baud := 0 Else If BaudRate = 38400 Then Baud := 32 End; Case DataBits of { 5 : Baud := Baud + 0; } 6 : Baud := Baud + 1; 7 : Baud := Baud + 2; 8 : Baud := Baud + 3 End; Case Parity of { 'N' : Baud := Baud + 0; } 'O' : Baud := Baud + 8; 'E' : Baud := Baud + 24 End; Case StopBits of 1 : Baud := Baud + 0; 2 : Baud := Baud + 4 End; R.Ah := 0; R.Al := Baud; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R); FosPort := ComPort - 1 End; Function Fos_Ringing: Boolean; var CC : Char; begin Fos_Ringing := False; R.Ah := $0C; R.Dx := fosport; Intr($14, R); if r.ax = $FFFF then Fos_ringing := false else begin cc := chr(r.al); if cc = #13 then Fos_ringing := true; end; end; Procedure SendChar (K:Char); { Transmitts a Character } Begin { through FOSPORT Comm Port } R.Ah := $01; { and then Waits. } R.Al := Ord(K); R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure SendString (S:String); { Sends a String through the } Var I:Integer; Begin I:=Fossil_BlockWrite (Length(S),S) End; Function GetChar:Char; { Gets a Character from the } Begin { FOSPORT Communications Port} R.Ah := $02; R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); GetChar := Chr(R.Al) End; Function Fossil_Chars:Boolean; Begin R.Ah := $03; R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_Chars := (R.Ah And 1) = 1 End; Function Fossil_Carrier:Boolean; { Detects whether a Carrier } Begin { is on FOSPORT Port } R.Ah := $03; R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_Carrier := (R.Al And 128) = 128 End; Procedure Fossil_DTR (ComPort:Byte; State:Boolean); Begin { Lowers/Raises the DTR on } R.Ah := $06; { COMPORT } R.Al := Byte(State); R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure Hangup; Begin If Not Fossil_Carrier Then Exit; Fossil_DTR (FosPort + 1,False); Delay (700); Fossil_DTR (FosPort + 1,True); If Fossil_Carrier Then SendString ('+++') End; Procedure Fossil_Timer (Var Tick_Int, Ints_Sec:Byte; MS_Tics:Integer); Begin R.Ah := $07; Intr ($14,R); Tick_Int := R.Al; Ints_Sec := R.Ah; MS_Tics := R.Dx End; Procedure Fossil_OutPut_FLUSH (ComPort:Byte); Begin { Forecs the OutPut Chars } R.Ah := $08; { out of the Buffer } R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure Fossil_Nuke_OutPut (ComPort:Byte); Begin { Purges the OutPut Buffer } R.Ah := $09; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure Fossil_Nuke_Input (ComPort:Byte); Begin { Purges the Input Buffer } R.Ah := $0A; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Function NoWait_Send (K:Char):Boolean; Begin R.Ah := $0B; R.Al := Ord(K); R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); NoWait_Send := Boolean(R.Ax) End; Function Fossil_Peek:Char; { Checks out what the Next } Begin { Character is in FOSPORT } R.Ah := $0C; { Without Taking it out of } R.Dx := FosPort; { the Bufffer } Intr ($14,R); Fossil_Peek := Chr(R.Al) End; Function Fossil_GetChar:Char; { Gets Character from Input Buffer } Begin { $FFFF if none: HIGH Byte is Scan } R.Ah := $0D; { code } R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_GetChar := Chr(R.Al) End; Function Fossil_Wait:Char; { Waits until a Character has been } Begin { Receieved } R.Ah := $0E; R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_Wait := Chr(R.Al) End; Procedure Fossil_FLOW (State:Byte); { Sets Flow Control } Begin { 0 = Disabled } R.Ah := $0F; { Bit 0 & 3 = XON/XOFF } { Chars } R.Al := State; { Bit 1 = CTS/RTS } { Signals * } R.Dx := FosPort; { Call using the defined Constants } Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure Set_CtrlC (ComPort,State:Byte); Begin R.Ah := $10; R.Al := State; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Function CtrlC_Check (ComPort:Byte):Boolean; Begin R.Ah := $10; R.Al := 2; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; Intr ($14,R); CtrlC_Check := Boolean(R.Ax) End; Procedure Fossil_GotoXY (X,Y:Byte); Begin R.Ah := $11; R.Dh := Y - 1; R.Dl := X - 1; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure Fossil_Position (Var X,Y:Byte); Begin R.Ah := $12; Intr ($14,R); X := R.Dl + 1; Y := R.Dh + 1 End; Function Fossil_WhereX:Byte; Begin R.Ah := $12; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_WhereX := R.Dl + 1 End; Function Fossil_WhereY:Byte; Begin R.Ah := $12; Intr ($14,R); Fossil_WhereY := R.Dh + 1 End; Procedure ANSI_Write (K:Char); { Projects Character to Screen } Begin { through ANSI.SYS } R.Ah := $13; R.Al := Ord(K); R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure WatchDog (Status:Boolean); { Sets WatchDOG = ON/OFF } Begin { If ON then Reboots on Carrier } R.Ah := $14; { Loss! } R.Al := Byte(Status); R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure BIOS_Write (K:Char); { Writes a Character to the } Begin { Screen Using BIOS Screen Write} R.Ah := $15; R.Al := Ord(K); R.Dx := FosPort; Intr ($14,R) End; Function Add_Fossil_Proc (Var P):Boolean; Begin R.Ah := $16; R.Al := $01; R.ES := Seg (P); R.DX := Ofs (P); Intr ($14,R); Add_Fossil_Proc := R.Ax = 0 End; Function Delete_Fossil_Proc (Var P):Boolean; Begin R.Ah := $16; R.Al := $00; R.ES := Seg (P); R.DX := Ofs (P); Intr ($14,R); Delete_Fossil_Proc := R.Ax = 0 End; Procedure ColdBoot; { Does a Cold Reboot } Begin R.Ah := $17; R.Al := $00; Intr ($14,R) End; Procedure WarmBoot; { Does a Warm Reboot } Begin R.Ah := $17; R.Al := $01; Intr ($14,R) End; Function Fossil_BlockRead (Bytes:Word; Var Buffer):Integer; Begin { BUFFER is an Array, and BYTES is } R.Ah := $18; { the size of the Array. } R.Dx := FosPort; { It Returns the number of recieved } R.Cx := Bytes; { Characters. } R.ES := Seg (Buffer); R.DI := Ofs (Buffer); Intr ($14,R); Fossil_BlockRead := R.Ax End; Function Fossil_BlockWrite (Bytes:Word; Var Buffer):Integer; Begin { Writes an Array of BYTES Chars } R.Ah := $19; { to the FOSPORT from BUFFER } R.Dx := FosPort; { Returns the number of characters } R.Cx := Bytes; { sent. } R.ES := Seg (Buffer); R.DI := Ofs (Buffer); Intr ($14,R); Fossil_BlockWrite := R.Ax End; Function Fossil_Descrip (ComPort:Byte):String; Var Cnt:Integer; { Returns the Communications FOSSIL } Fos_Arry:Fossil_Struct; { Driver Utilizing the COMPORT } First,Second:Word; { Communications Port } Kar:Char; { Returns the FOSSIL Driver } S:String; { Description. } Begin R.Ah := $1B; R.Dx := ComPort - 1; R.ES := Seg (Fos_Arry); R.DI := Ofs (Fos_Arry); R.CX := SizeOf (Fos_Arry); Intr ($14,R); First := Fos_Arry.FOS_ID[2]; Second := Fos_Arry.FOS_ID[1]; S := ''; Kar := #26; While Kar <> #0 Do Begin Kar:=Chr (Mem[First:Second]); S := S + Kar; Second:=Second + 1 End; Fossil_Descrip:=S End; Begin End.