{ From: edwin@mavetju.iaehv.nl (Edwin Groothuis) > Anybody know the structure to FrontDoor's INBOUND.HIS and > OUTBOUND.HIS files? Thanks.. } program MailHistory; uses crt,dos; TYPE MailHistRec = RECORD Year, (* 1990 - xxxx *) Month, (* 1 - 12 *) Day, (* 1 - 31 *) Hour, (* 0 - 23 *) Minute, (* 0 - 59 *) Second, (* 0 - 59 *) Zone, Net, Node, Point : word; SystemName: string[30]; Location : string[38]; TimeOnLine: word; (* Seconds spent on-line *) RcvdBytes, SentBytes : longint; Cost : word; End; var fin:file of mailhistrec; fout:text; hist:mailhistrec; rcvd,send:longint; begin assign(fout,paramstr(1));rewrite(fout); assign(fin,'outbound.his');{$I-}reset(fin);{$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin read(fin,hist); if not eof(fin) then begin writeln(fout,'OUTBOUND | nodenumber | rcvd | send |'); writeln(fout,'-----------+-------------------------+---------+---------+'); rcvd:=0;send:=0; while not eof(fin) do begin read(fin,hist); with hist do begin writeln(fout,day:2,'/',month:2,'/',year:2,' | ',zone:5,':',net:5,'/',node:5,'.',point:5,' | ', rcvdbytes:7,' | ',sentbytes:7,' |'); inc(rcvd,rcvdbytes);inc(send,sentbytes); end; end; writeln(fout,'-----------+-------------------------+---------+---------+'); writeln(fout,' | ',rcvd:7,' | ',send:7,' |'); writeln(fout,' '); end; end; close(fin); assign(fin,'inbound.his');{$I-}reset(fin);{$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin read(fin,hist); if not eof(fin) then begin writeln(fout,'INBOUND | nodenumber | rcvd | send |'); writeln(fout,'-----------+-------------------------+---------+---------+'); rcvd:=0;send:=0; while not eof(fin) do begin read(fin,hist); with hist do begin writeln(fout,day:2,'/',month:2,'/',year:2,' | ',zone:5,':',net:5,'/',node:5,'.',point:5,' | ', rcvdbytes:7,' | ',sentbytes:7,' |'); inc(rcvd,rcvdbytes);inc(send,sentbytes); end; end; writeln(fout,'-----------+-------------------------+---------+---------+'); writeln(fout,' | ',rcvd:7,' | ',send:7,' |'); writeln(fout,' '); end; end; close(fin); close(fout); end.