{ For those who are active in other nets than fidonet, and who regularly get a new small nodelist as an update, this little program gets rid of all but the latest nodelists, allowing the whole process to be handled by a simple batch file.Easily adaptable to the names of your nodelists, see last lines. } Program clean; {$M 16384,80000,80000} Uses Dos,Crt; TYPE Line = string[80]; Lines = ARRAY[1..100] OF Line; LinesP = ^Lines; var Dirbuf : LinesP; Index,Number,i,j:integer; dirinfo:SearchRec; filetime:array[1..100] of longint; latest:longint; f:file; Procedure remove(s:string); Begin New(Dirbuf); Number:=0; FindFirst(s+'.*', Anyfile, DirInfo); while DosError = 0 do begin if (Dirinfo.name[1] <> '.') AND (dirinfo.attr<>16) then {attribute 16 would be directory file} begin inc(Number); Dirbuf^[Number]:=Dirinfo.name; filetime[Number]:=Dirinfo.time; end; FindNext(DirInfo); end; if Number<2 then {only one nodelist.nnn found, do nothing.} Begin dispose(dirbuf); exit; End; latest:=filetime[1]; {you have to start somewhere} for i:=1 to Number do if filetime[i]>=latest then Begin latest:=filetime[i]; Index:=i; End; {Index now points to the newest file, so this is the one that we should NOT erase!} for i:=1 to Number do if i<>Index then Begin assign(f,DIRBUF^[I]); erase(f); End; Dispose(Dirbuf); end; Begin {OF MAIN PROGRAM} remove('TATTLE'); remove('22NET-NL'); remove('NODELIST'); End.