{ Hallo Swag Team You wrote that there would be other users trying to interface DOS machines to the Winsock interface. So I'd like to ask, if it is possible to bring us together in any kind, because I started a little piece of coding which I think is the fist step, and it might be usefull to discuss with the others. Here it is: It's based on the TCPIP.EXE found at Novell as TCP16.EXE self extracting. you have to extract, then use the following to setup the Network. LSL.COM starts the ... e.g. 200ep.com the hardware driver for your network ethernet card, can be anything other as well, but I think it must me ethernet TCPIP.EXE the TCP protocol stack the NET.CFG looks like this: -------------------------------------- Link Driver 200ep int 10 port 240 frame ETHERNET_II Link Support Buffers 16 1518 MemPool 2048 Protocol TCPIP ip_address --------------------------------------- Now with having no network shell, you already have a DOS based TCP-Stack There is a PING program, that will now find other TCP-Stacks in your network, if you call PING Now based on this, I have some Pascal code that looks like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------} unit tcp_lib; { Thomas Kerkmann CIS 100576,3276 based on information found in Ralf Browns Interrupt list Release 51 available at the BORLAND DELPHI FORUM Section 17 TP/BP DOS Prog as the Programmers interrupt bible Internet: ralf@pobox.com (currently forwards to ralf@telerama.lm.com) UUCP: {uunet,harvard} { pobox.com!ralf FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/26.1 or post a message to me in the DR_DEBUG echo (I probably won't see it unless you address it to me) CIS: >INTERNET:ralf@pobox.com } Interface type IPstring = string[15]; const err_timedout = 60; function tcp_installed:boolean; function tcp_GetIPAdress:LongInt; function tcp_OpenSocket:byte; function tcp_CloseSocket(sock:byte):byte; function tcp_Connect (sock:byte; IPAdr:LongInt; Port:word):byte; function tcp_Listen (sock:byte; Port:word):byte; { helpers } function tcp_IPAdrToStr(ip:LongInt):IPstring; function tcp_ResultStr(result:byte):string; Implementation uses dos; CONST EntryPoint : Pointer = NIL; Version : word = 0; TYPE pTCP_PARMS = ^tTCP_PARMS; tTCP_PARMS = record byte0 : byte; { 00 } byte1 : byte; { 01 } byte2 : byte; { 02 } byte3 : byte; { 03 } word0 : word; { 04 } word1 : word; { 06 } CallBack : Pointer; { 08 } flags : byte; { 0C } sevenbytes : array[1..7] of byte; byte4 : byte; functioncode : byte; socket : byte; result : byte; ParmWords : array[0..15] of word; end; procedure CallEntryPoint(rec:pTCP_PARMS); assembler; asm les si,rec call dword ptr EntryPoint end; function tcp_installed:boolean; var r : registers; begin tcp_installed := false; R.AX := $7A40; Intr ($2F,R); if r.ax=$7AFF then begin EntryPoint := Ptr(R.ES,R.DI); Version := r.cx; tcp_installed := true; end; end; function tcp_GetIPAdress:LongInt; var parms : tTCP_PARMS; l : LongInt; begin FillChar (parms,sizeof(parms),0); parms.functioncode := $05; if EntryPoint<>NIL then callEntryPoint(@parms) else writeln ('ERROR: tcp/ip is not installed'); Move (parms.Parmwords[1],l,4); tcp_GetIPAdress := l; end; function tcp_OpenSocket:byte; var parms:tTCP_PARMS; begin tcp_OpenSocket := 0; FillChar (parms,sizeof(parms),0); parms.functioncode := $11; { open socket } parms.ParmWords[0] := 6; { required TCP protocol } callEntryPoint (@parms); if parms.result=0 then tcp_OpenSocket := parms.socket else writeln ('ERROR: OpenSocket=',parms.result); end; function tcp_CloseSocket(sock:byte):byte; var parms:tTCP_PARMS; begin FillChar (parms,sizeof(parms),0); parms.functioncode := $03; { close socket } parms.socket := sock; callEntryPoint (@Parms); tcp_CloseSocket := parms.result; end; function tcp_Connect (sock:byte; IPAdr:LongInt; Port:word):byte; var parms:tTCP_PARMS; begin FillChar (parms,sizeof(parms),0); parms.functioncode := $04; { connect } parms.Socket := sock; parms.ParmWords[1] := Port; Move (IPAdr,parms.Parmwords[2],4); { set IP address } callEntryPoint (@Parms); tcp_Connect := parms.result; end; function tcp_Listen (sock:byte; Port:word):byte; var parms:tTCP_PARMS; begin FillChar (parms,sizeof(parms),0); parms.functioncode := $0C; { listen } parms.Socket := sock; parms.ParmWords[1] := Port; callEntryPoint (@Parms); tcp_Listen := parms.result; end; { helpers } function intToStr(i:LongInt):string; var s : string[15]; begin str (i,s); IntToStr := s; end; function tcp_IPAdrToStr(ip:LongInt):IPstring; var b : array[0..3] of byte absolute ip; s : IPstring; i : integer; begin s := ''; for i:=0 to 3 do begin s := s + InttoStr(b[i]); if i<3 then s := s + '.'; end; tcp_IPAdrToStr := s; end; function tcp_ResultStr(result:byte):string; begin case result of 60 : tcp_ResultStr := 'TIMEDOUT'; else tcp_ResultStr := IntToStr(result); end; end; end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- And a little program trying to use it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- program test; uses mylib, tcp_lib; var ipadr : longInt; sock : byte; result : byte; begin if tcp_installed then begin writeln ('tcp/ip protocol stack installed'); ipadr := tcp_GetIPAdress; writeln ('tcp_GetIPAdress returned : ',tcp_IPAdrToStr(ipadr)); sock := tcp_opensocket; writeln ('tcp_opensocket returned : ',sock); result := tcp_Listen (sock,5000); writeln ('tcp_listen result=',tcp_ResultStr(result)); write ('[ENTER] to close socket'); readln; result := tcp_closesocket (sock); writeln ('tcp_closesocket result=',result); end else writeln ('tcp/ip protocol stack not found'); end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- It will run including opening a socket, but I don't know how to continue for starting to LISTEN or to CONNECT to another TCP-IP Software in the Network. If you try, please don't reboot to quickly, the LISTEN call will hang for about 1-2 minutes, but will return back to your program. If somebody can find out how to continue, please let me know. Kind regards from Thomas