Hello Matthew! Answering a msg of , from Matthew Staikos to All: The Norton-like bar along with the copying won't compile, but you get the idea, no? {$I-} function __copyfil( show: boolean; x1,x2,y,f,b: byte; fs: longint; src, targ: string ): byte; { return codes: 0 successful 1 source and target the same 2 cannot open source 3 unable to create target 4 error during copy 5 cannot allocate buffer } const bufsize = 16384; type fbuf = array[1..bufsize] of char; fbf = ^fbuf; var source, target : file; bread, bwrite : word; filebuf : ^fbf; tr : longint; nr : real; begin if memavail > bufsize then new(filebuf) else begin __copyfil := 5; exit end; if src = targ then begin __copyfil := 1; exit end; assign(source, src); reset(source,1); if ioresult <> 0 then begin __copyfil := 2; exit end; assign(target, targ); rewrite(target,1); if ioresult <> 0 then begin __copyfil := 3; exit end; if show then __write(x1+2,y,f,b,__rep(x2-x1-3,'°')); tr := 0; repeat blockread(source,filebuf^,bufsize,bread); tr := tr + bread; nr := tr/fs; nr := nr * (x2-x1-3); if show then __write(x1+2,y,f,b,__rep(trunc(nr), 'Û')); blockwrite(target,filebuf^,bread,bwrite); until (bread = 0) or (bread <> bwrite); if show then __write(x1+2,y,f,b,__rep((x2-x1-3),'Û')); close(source); close(target); if bread <> bwrite then __copyfil := 4 else __copyfil := 0; end; {$I-} Floor --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: UltiHouse/2 5 Years! V32b/HST/16k8: x31,13,638709 (2:512/195)