{ > How would I move a File from within my Program. if the File is to moved from & to the same partition, all you have to do is: Assign(F,OldPath); Rename(F,NewPath); On the other hand, if the File is to be moved to a different partition, you will have to copy / erase the File. Example: } Program MoveFile; Var fin,fout : File; p : Pointer; w : Word; begin GetMem(p,64000); Assign(fin,ParamStr(1)); { Assumes command line parameter. } Assign(fout,ParamStr(2)); Reset(fin); ReWrite(fout); While not Eof(fin) do begin BlockRead(fin,p^,64000,w); BlockWrite(fout,p^,w); end; Close(fin); Close(fout); Erase(fin); FreeMem(p,64000); end. { This Program has NO error control. }