{ RE: SWAG submission This 16-bit CRC function is compatible with those used in Chuck Forsberg's X-modem protocol. It's very fast, because I unrolled the "for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)" loop. If a 32-bit CRC is not necessary, this is a great alternative because of its speed and small size. {==============================================================} FUNCTION Crc16 (var buffer; size, seed: word): word; assembler; { Set size parameter to 0 to process 64K. If processing only one buffer, set seed parameter to 0 -- otherwise set to result from previous calculation. C code translated by Don Paulsen. } (* This routine is a translation of the following C code by Chuck Forsberg. The added "seed" parameter allows for finding the CRC value of data spanning multiple buffers. The innermost loop has been unrolled at a cost of 32 bytes in code, but the speed increase is nearly two-fold. int Crc16 (ptr, count) char *ptr; int count; { int crc, i; crc = 0; while (--count >= 0) { crc = crc ^ (int)*ptr++ << 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if (crc & 0x8000) crc = crc << 1 ^ 0x1021; else crc = crc << 1; } return (crc & 0xFFFF); } *) ASM les di, buffer mov dx, size mov ax, seed mov si, 1021h @next: xor bl, bl mov bh, es:[di] xor ax, bx shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor1; xor ax, si @noXor1: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor2; xor ax, si @noXor2: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor3; xor ax, si @noXor3: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor4; xor ax, si @noXor4: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor5; xor ax, si @noXor5: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor6; xor ax, si @noXor6: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor7; xor ax, si @noXor7: shl ax, 1; jnc @noXor8; xor ax, si @noXor8: inc di dec dx jnz @next END;