{ The following is result of my work to make simple, fast, and enough acceptable routine that will encrypt/decrypt any data with the given Key string. It really works, it's far from RSA and DES, but it encrypts/decrypts just as it will be _quite_ (impossibel? hard?) to restore the original data without knowing a Key. BTW, i would recommend as long Key as possibel. ;) This Eigus Encryption released to Public Domain, and no charge is required for the author. Alsow, if you would have reccomendations, suggestions, ideas, or stories to optimise my code, please do not hestitate to ask/tell/post. Eigus Encryption may be included in SWAG. Thank you. } Unit Crypto; { Copyright (c) 1994 by Andrew Eigus Fidonet: 2:5100/33 Eigus Encryption Routine source code for Borland Pascal 7.0 Platforms: DOS, DPMI, Windows } interface const { use these above as values for ecCommand parameter for Encrypt procedure } ecEncode = True; ecExtract = False; procedure Encrypt(var Buffer; Count : word; Key : string; ecCommand : boolean); implementation Procedure Encrypt; assembler; var SaveDS, SaveSI : word; N : byte; Asm push ds lds si,Key cld xor ah,ah lodsb mov N,al mov bx,ax cmp bx,0 je @@5 mov SaveDS,ds mov SaveSI,si lds si,Buffer les di,Buffer mov cx,Count jcxz @@5 @@1: lodsb mov dl,al push ds push si mov ds,SaveDS mov si,SaveSI lodsb dec bx cmp bx,0 jz @@2 lds si,Key lodsb mov bl,al @@2: add N,al or ecCommand,ecExtract jz @@3 add dl,al sub dl,N not dl jmp @@4 @@3: not dl add dl,N sub dl,al @@4: mov al,dl mov SaveDS,ds mov SaveSI,si pop si pop ds stosb loop @@1 @@5: pop ds End; { Encrypt } End. { CRYPDEMO.PAS } Program CryptoDemo; { Copyright (c) 1994 by Andrew Eigus Fidonet: 2:5100/33 Demonstrates the use of unit CRYPTO.PAS } uses Crypto; var Str, Key : string; Begin Str := 'This is text to encrypt with Encrypt procedure'; { text to encrypt } Key := 'ExCaLiBeR'; { key string to use; longer -> safer ;I } WriteLn(#13#10'Original string: ''', Str, ''''); Encrypt(Str[1], Length(Str), Key, ecEncode); WriteLn('Encrypted string: ''', Str, ''''); Encrypt(Str[1], Length(Str), Key, ecExtract); WriteLn('Decrypted string: ''', Str, '''') End. { I hope that my CRYPTO unit might be useful for all of you. You may change my code as you want. }