{ A set is just an array of bits, each possible element in the set has a bit in the array. If the element is in the set, the bit is set, otherwise clear. If you know that (and asm :), you know how to access a set in BASM. BvG> How would the following routine look in assembler? } type charset=set of char; function epos(str:string; ch:charset; xst:byte):byte; var i:byte; begin i:=xst; while (not (str[i] in ch)) and (i<=length(str)) do inc(i); epos:=i; end; function eposasm(str:string; ch:charset; xst:byte):byte; assembler; { Same result as pascal version, except for xst=0: } { this one returns 0, pascal version returns same as xst=1, } { or 0 if chr(length(Str)) exists in ch } asm cld push ds lds si,Str lodsb xor ah,ah mov bx,ax mov al,xst dec ax { assumes xst>0 } add si,ax sub bx,ax jle @NotFnd { jump if xst > length(str) } les dx,&ch { ch is a reserved word, so use the identifier operator } @LoopStr: lodsb mov di,dx mov cl,al and cl,7 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 mov di,ax add di,dx mov al,1 shl al,cl test es:[di],al jnz @Fnd dec bx jnz @LoopStr jmp @NotFnd @Fnd: dec si { SI already incremented by lodsb, not wanted } @NotFnd: mov ax,si sub ax,word ptr [Str] { The offset of Str } pop ds end;