{ RN> Does someone have a Procedure I can use to give me a String RN> containing the "day number" ? ie: if today is day number RN> 323, the Function/Procedure would contain that. } Uses Crt; Var today, year, month, day : Word; Const TDays : Array[Boolean,0..12] of Word = ((0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365), (0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366)); Function DayofTheYear(yr,mth,d : Word): Word; { valid For all years 1901 to 2078 } Var temp : Word; lyr : Boolean; begin lyr := (yr mod 4 = 0); temp := TDays[lyr][mth-1]; inc(temp,d); DayofTheYear := temp; end; { PackedDate } begin ClrScr; year := 92; month := 12; day := 31; today := DayofTheYear(year,month,day); Writeln(today); readln; end.