{>I noticed that Pascal has Functions called unpacktime() and packtime(). >Does anyone know how these two Functions work? I need either a source >code example of the equiValent or just a plain algorithm to tell me how >these two Functions encode or Decode and date/time into a LongInt. The packed time Format is a 32 bit LongInt as follows: bits field ---- ----- 0-5 = seconds 6-11 = minutes 12-16 = hours 17-21 = days 22-25 = months 26-31 = years DateTime is a Record structure defined Within the Dos Unit With the following structure: DateTime = Record year,month,day,hour,min,sec : Word end; The GetFtime Procedure loads the date/time stamp of an opened File into a LongInt. UnPackTime extracts the Various bit patterns into the DateTime Record structure. PackTime will take the Values you Assign to the DateTime Record structure and pack them into a LongInt - you could then use SetFTime to update the File date stamp. A small sample Program follows. } Program prg30320; Uses Dos; Var TextFile : Text; Filetime : LongInt; dt : DateTime; begin Assign(TextFile,'TextFile.txt'); ReWrite(TextFile); WriteLn(TextFile,'Hi, I''m a Text File'); GetFtime(TextFile,Filetime); Close(TextFile); UnPackTime(Filetime,dt); WriteLn('File was written: ',dt.month,'/',dt.day,'/',dt.year, ' at ',dt.hour,':',dt.min,':',dt.sec); ReadLn; end. { The following example shows how to pick apart the packed date/time. } Program PKTIME; Uses Dos; Var dt : DateTime; pt : LongInt; Year : 0..127; { Years sInce 1980 } Month : 1..12; { Month number } Day : 1..31; { Day of month } Hour : 0..23; { Hour of day } Min : 0..59; { Minute of hour } Sec2 : 0..29; { Seconds divided by 2 } Procedure GetDateTime(Var dt : DateTime); { Get current date and time. Allow For crossing midnight during execution. } Var y, m, d, dow : Word; Sec100 : Word; begin GetDate(y, m, d, dow); GetTime(dt.Hour, dt.Min, dt.Sec, Sec100); GetDate(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dow); if dt.Day <> d then GetTime(dt.Hour, dt.Min, dt.Sec, Sec100); end; begin GetDateTime(dt); PackTime(dt, pt); Year := (pt shr 25) and $7F; Month := (pt shr 21) and $0F; Day := (pt shr 16) and $1F; Hour := (pt shr 11) and $1F; Min := (pt shr 5) and $3F; Sec2 := pt and $1F; WriteLn(Month, '/', Day, '/', Year+1980); WriteLn(Hour, ':', Min, ':', Sec2*2); end.