{ MIKE COPELAND > I'm looking For some FAST routines to change seconds into a > readable format, (ie. H:M:S). > For instance, 8071 seconds = 2:14:31 Here's the code I use, and it's fast enough For me: } Type Str8 = String[8]; Function FORMAT_TIME (V : Integer) : STR8; { format time as hh:mm:ss } Var X, Z : Integer; PTIME : STR8; begin { note: incoming time is in seconds } Z := ord('0'); PTIME := ' : : '; { initialize } X := V div 3600; V := V mod 3600; { process hours } if (X > 0) and (X <= 9) then PTIME[2] := chr(X+Z) else if X = 0 then PTIME[3] := ' ' { zero-suppress } else PTIME[2] := '*'; { overflow... } X := V div 60; V := V mod 60; { process minutes } PTIME[4] := chr((X div 10)+Z); PTIME[5] := chr((X mod 10)+Z); PTIME[7] := chr((V div 10)+Z); { process seconds } PTIME[8] := chr((V mod 10)+Z); FORMAT_TIME := PTIME end; { FORMAT_TIME } begin Writeln(Format_Time(11122)); end.