=========================================================================== BBS: The Beta Connection Date: 06-07-93 (18:50) Number: 823 From: KELLY SMALL Refer#: 744 To: STEPHEN WHITIS Recvd: NO Subj: DATE CALCULATIONS Conf: (232) T_Pascal_R --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SW³ Does anyone know where I can find an algorithm, or better yet TP SW³ 5.5 code, to calculate the day of the week for a give date? Give this a whirl: function LeapYearOffset(M,Y:Word):Integer; Begin if ((Y mod 400 = 0) or ((Y mod 100 <> 0) and (Y mod 4 = 0))) and (M > 2) then LeapYearOffset := 1 else LeapYearOffset := 0 End; Function DaysinMonth(dMonth,dYear:Word):Byte; Begin case dMonth of 1,3,5,7,8,10,12 : DaysInMonth := 31; 4,6,9,11 : DaysInMonth := 30; 2 : DaysInMonth := 28 + LeapYearOffset(3,dYear) End; End; Function FindDayOfWeek(Day, Month, Year: Integer) : Byte; var century, yr, dw: Integer; begin if Month < 3 then begin Inc(Month, 10); Dec(Year); end else Dec(Month, 2); century := Year div 100; yr := year mod 100; dw := (((26 * month - 2) div 10) + day + yr + (yr div 4) + (century div 4) - (2 * century)) mod 7; if dw < 0 then FindDayOfWeek := dw + 7 else FindDayOfWeek := dw; end; ô/elly õmall --- þ JABBER v1.2 #18 þ Bigamy: too many wives. Monogamy: see Bigamy þ KMail 2.94 The Wish Book BBS (60 2)258-7113 (6+ nodes, ring down) * The Wish Book 602-258-7113(6 lines)10+ GIGs/The BEST board in Arizona! * PostLink(tm) v1.06 TWB (#1032) : RelayNet(tm)