{=========================================================================== Date: 10-04-93 (12:39) From: ANDREW KEY Subj: What is NEXT day ?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC> My assignment is to write a program, given three integers whose values AC> represent a day between January 1, 1900 and December 30, 1999, will AC> output the value representing the day following. AC> I am running into problems with three things. The end of a month, the AC> end of a year, and leap years. Here's a procedure you might get some ideas from... } procedure NextDay(var MM,DD,YYYY: integer); const DaysInMonth: array[0..1,1..12] of integer = ((31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31), {regular year} (31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)); {leap year} var Leap: integer; begin Inc(DD); {increment day} if (YYYY mod 4) = 0 then {is it a leap year?} Leap:=1 {Leap year} else Leap:=0; {non-leap year} if DD>DaysInMonth[Leap,MM] then {is DD > the end of the month?} begin DD:=1; {set to 1st of month} Inc(MM); {increment month by one} if MM>12 then {is MM > December?} begin MM:=1; {set MM to January} Inc(YYYY); {and increment YYYY} end; {if MM>12} end; {if DD>Days} end; {proc NextDay}