{ Various Date and Time Procedures Rev. 1.06 (c) Copyright 1994, Michael Gallias Target: Real, Protected, Windows } {$V-} {$B-} Unit Calendar; Interface {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Uses WinDos, PasStr; {$ELSE} Uses Dos, PasStr; {$ENDIF} Const dts_DDMYYYY = 1; dts_DDMMYYYY = 2; dts_DDMMMYYYY = 3; Type TimeDate = Record Year, Month, Day, WeekDay, Hour, Min, Sec, ms :Word; End; DayNameString = String[9]; DayNameArray = Array [0..6] of DayNameString; MonthNameString = String[10]; MonthNameArray = Array [1..12] of MonthNameString; MonthAbrString = String[3]; MonthAbrArray = Array [1..12] of MonthAbrString; Const DayName : DayNameArray = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); MonthName : MonthNameArray = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); MonthAbr : MonthNameArray = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); Procedure StringToDate (Strg:String; Var Date:TimeDate; Const Style:Byte; Var Code:Integer); Procedure DateToString (Date:TimeDate; Var Strg:String; Const Style:Byte); Procedure StringToTime (Strg:String; Var Time:TimeDate; Var Code:Integer); Procedure TimeToString (Time:TimeDate; Var Strg:String); Procedure MMDDToDDMM (DateIn:String; Var DateOut:String); Procedure GetTimeDate (Var Time:TimeDate); Procedure PredMin (Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate); Procedure PredHour (Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate); Procedure UntotalDays (Total:LongInt; Var Date:TimeDate); Procedure DayOfWeek (Var Date:TimeDate); Function DayOfYear (Const Date:TimeDate):Word; Function TotalMonths (Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt; Function TotalDays (Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt; Function TotalHalfHrs (Const Time:TimeDate):Byte; Function TotalMinutes (Const Time:TimeDate):Word; Function TotalSeconds (Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt; Function Totalms (Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt; Function ChangedTime (Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean; Function ChangedTimeDate (Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean; Function ChangedDate (Const Date1, Date2:TimeDate):Boolean; Function DaysInMonth (Month:Byte;Year:Word):Byte; Function DaysInYear (Year:Word):Word; Implementation Procedure StringToDate(Strg:String;Var Date:TimeDate; Const Style:Byte; Var Code:Integer); Var SY,SM,SD,ST :String; AY,AM,AD,AT :LongInt; Begin Code:=0; Case Style Of dts_DDMMYYYY: Begin Strg:=Strg+'/'; SY:=''; SM:=''; SD:=''; SD:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)); If Pos('/',Strg)>0 Then Begin SM:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)); End; If Pos('/',Strg)>0 Then Begin SY:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos('/',Strg)); End; If SY<>'' Then Begin If Length(SY)<3 Then SY:='19'+SY; Val(SY,AY,Code); If (AY<1991) Or (AY>1999) Then Code:=6; End Else Code:=6; If SM<>'' Then Begin Val(SM,AM,Code); If (AM<1) Or (AM>12) Then Code:=3; End Else Code:=3; If SD<>'' Then Begin Val(SD,AD,Code); If (AD<1) Or (AD>DaysInMonth(AM,AY)) Then Code:=1; End Else Code:=1; End; dts_DDMMMYYYY, dts_DDMYYYY: Begin Strg:=Strg+' '; SD:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(' ',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos(' ',Strg)); SM:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(' ',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos(' ',Strg)); SY:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(' ',Strg)-1); If (SD='') Or (SM='') Or (SY='') Then Code:=99 Else Begin UpperCase(SM,SM); AT:=0; Repeat Inc(AT); UpperCase(MonthName[AT],ST); Until (AT=12) Or (ST=SM); If ST<>SM Then Begin AT:=0; Repeat Inc(AT); UpperCase(MonthAbr[AT],ST); Until (AT=12) Or (ST=SM); End; If ST=SM Then AM:=AT Else Code:=3; If Code=0 Then Begin If Length(SY)<3 Then SY:='19'+SY; Val(SY,AY,Code); If (AY<1991) Or (AY>1999) Then Code:=6; End; If Code=0 Then Begin Val(SD,AD,Code); If (AD<1) Or (AD>DaysInMonth(AM,AY)) Then Code:=1; End; End; End; End; If Code=0 Then Begin Date.Day :=AD; Date.Month :=AM; Date.Year :=AY; End; End; Procedure DateToString(Date:TimeDate;Var Strg:String;Const Style:Byte); Var Temp:String[20]; Begin Case Style Of dts_DDMYYYY: Begin Str(Date.Day:2,Strg); SpacesToZeros(Strg,Strg); Temp:=MonthName[Date.Month]; Strg:=Strg+' '+Temp+' '; Str(Date.Year:4,Temp); Strg:=Strg+Temp; End; dts_DDMMYYYY: Begin Str(Date.Day:2,Strg); Str(Date.Month:2,Temp); Strg:=Strg+'/'+Temp+'/'; Str(Date.Year:4,Temp); Strg:=Strg+Temp; SpacesToZeros(Strg,Strg); End; dts_DDMMMYYYY: Begin Str(Date.Day:2,Strg); SpacesToZeros(Strg,Strg); Temp:=MonthAbr[Date.Month]; Strg:=Strg+' '+Temp+' '; Str(Date.Year:4,Temp); Strg:=Strg+Temp; End; End; End; Procedure StringToTime(Strg:String;Var Time:TimeDate;Var Code:Integer); Var SH,SM,SS:String[10]; AH,AM,AS:LongInt; Begin Strg:=Strg+':'; SH:=''; SM:=''; SS:=''; SH:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)); If Pos(':',Strg)>0 Then Begin SM:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)); End; If Pos(':',Strg)>0 Then Begin SS:=Copy(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)-1); Delete(Strg,1,Pos(':',Strg)); End; If SH<>'' Then Begin Val(SH,AH,Code); If (Code>0) Or (AH<0) Or (AH>23) Then Exit; End Else AH:=Time.Hour; If SM<>'' Then Begin Val(SM,AM,Code); If (Code>0) Or (AM<0) Or (AM>59) Then Exit; End Else AM:=Time.Min; If SS<>'' Then Begin Val(SS,AS,Code); If (Code>0) Or (AS<0) Or (AS>59) Then Exit; End Else AS:=Time.Sec; Time.Hour :=AH; Time.Min :=AM; Time.Sec :=AS; End; Procedure TimeToString(Time:TimeDate;Var Strg:String); Var Temp:String[10]; Begin Str(Time.Hour:2,Strg); Str(Time.Min:2,Temp); Strg:=Strg+':'+Temp+':'; Str(Time.Sec:2,Temp); Strg:=Strg+Temp; SpacesToZeros(Strg,Strg); End; Procedure MMDDToDDMM(DateIn:String;Var DateOut:String); Var First :String[12]; P :Byte; Begin If DateIn='' Then Begin DateOut:=''; Exit; End; DateOut:=''; DateIn:=DateIn+' '; P:=Max(Pos(' ',DateIn),Pos('/',DateIn)); First:=Copy(DateIn,1,P); Delete(DateIn,1,P); Repeat P:=Max(Pos(' ',DateIn),Pos('/',DateIn)); DateOut:=DateOut+Copy(DateIn,1,P); Delete(DateIn,1,P); Until Length(DateIn)=0; P:=Max(Pos(' ',DateOut),Pos('/',DateOut)); Insert(First,DateOut,P); End; Procedure GetTimeDate(Var Time:TimeDate); Begin With Time do Begin GetTime(Hour,Min,Sec,ms); GetDate(Year,Month,Day,WeekDay); End; End; Procedure PredMin(Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate); {Decreases the Time by one Minute, does not check the date if TimeOut.Day=0.} Begin TimeOut:=TimeIn; With TimeOut do Begin If Min>0 Then Dec(Min) Else Begin Min:=59; If Hour>0 Then Dec(Hour) Else Begin Hour:=23; If Day>0 Then Begin If Day>1 Then Dec(Day) Else Begin If Month>1 Then Dec(Month) Else Begin Month:=12; If Year>0 Then Dec(Year); End; Day:=DaysInMonth(Month,Year); End; End; End; End; End; End; Procedure PredHour(Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate); {Decreases the Time by one Hour, does not check the date if TimeOut.Day=0.} Begin TimeOut:=TimeIn; With TimeOut do Begin If Hour>0 Then Dec(Hour) Else Begin Hour:=23; If Day>0 Then Begin If Day>1 Then Dec(Day) Else Begin If Month>1 Then Dec(Month) Else Begin Month:=12; If Year>0 Then Dec(Year); End; Day:=DaysInMonth(Month,Year); End; End; End; End; End; Procedure UntotalDays(Total:LongInt; Var Date:TimeDate); Const t_1000 = 366123; {Number of days from 0 to 1000, inclusive} t_1500 = 549002; t_1750 = 640441; t_1970 = 720908; Var DIY, DIM :Word; Begin FillChar(Date,SizeOf(Date),0); If Total>t_1970 Then Begin Dec(Total,t_1970); Date.Year:=1971; End Else If Total>t_1750 Then Begin Dec(Total,t_1750); Date.Year:=1751; End Else If Total>t_1500 Then Begin Dec(Total,t_1500); Date.Year:=1501; End Else If Total>t_1000 Then Begin Dec(Total,t_1000); Date.Year:=1001; End; DIY:=DaysInYear(Date.Year); While (Total>DIY) do Begin Dec(Total,DaysInYear(Date.Year)); Inc(Date.Year); DIY:=DaysInYear(Date.Year); End; Date.Month:=1; For DIY:=1 to 12 do Begin DIM:=DaysInMonth(DIY,Date.Year); If Total>DIM Then Begin Dec(Total,DIM); Inc(Date.Month); End; End; Date.Day:=Total; End; Procedure DayOfWeek(Var Date:TimeDate); {Sets 'WeekDay' of Date: 1 for Monday, 0 for Sunday} Var A,B,C :Word; Y,M,D,DOW:Word; Begin GetDate(Y,M,D,DOW); SetDate(Date.Year,Date.Month,Date.Day); GetDate(A,B,C,Date.WeekDay); SetDate(Y,M,D); End; Function DayOfYear(Const Date:TimeDate):Word; Var Temp :Word; X :Byte; Begin Temp:=Date.Day; For X:=1 to Date.Month-1 do Inc(Temp,DaysInMonth(X,Date.Year)); DayOfYear:=Temp; End; Function TotalMonths(Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt; Begin TotalMonths:=(12 * (Date.Year - 1)) + Date.Month; End; Function TotalDays(Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt; {Returns the total number of days that have elapsed from the year 0, including the current day, e.g. 1 Jan 0 = 1} Const t_1_1_1970 = 720543; Var Total:LongInt; Year :Integer; Month:Byte; Start:Integer; Begin If Date.Year>=1970 Then Begin Total:=t_1_1_1970-1; Start:=1970; End Else Begin Total:=0; Start:=0; End; For Year:=Start to Integer(Date.Year)-1 do Inc(Total,DaysInYear(Year)); For Month:=1 to Date.Month-1 do Inc(Total,DaysInMonth(Month,Date.Year)); TotalDays:=Total+Date.Day; End; Function TotalHalfHrs(Const Time:TimeDate):Byte; Begin TotalHalfHrs:=Time.Hour * 2 + (Time.Min Div 30); End; Function TotalMinutes(Const Time:TimeDate):Word; Begin TotalMinutes:=Time.Hour*60+Time.Min; End; Function TotalSeconds(Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt; Begin TotalSeconds:=LongInt(Time.Hour)*60*60+LongInt(Time.Min)*60+LongInt(Time.Sec); End; Function Totalms(Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt; Begin Totalms:=(LongInt(Time.Hour)*60*60+LongInt(Time.Min)*60+LongInt(Time.Sec))*100+LongInt(Time.ms); End; Function ChangedTime(Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean; Begin If (Time1.ms =Time2.ms ) And (Time1.Sec =Time2.Sec ) And (Time1.Min =Time2.Min ) And (Time1.Hour=Time2.Hour) Then ChangedTime:=False Else ChangedTime:=True; End; Function ChangedTimeDate(Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean; Begin If (Time1.ms =Time2.ms ) And (Time1.Sec =Time2.Sec ) And (Time1.Min =Time2.Min ) And (Time1.Hour =Time2.Hour ) And (Time1.Day =Time2.Day ) And (Time1.Month=Time2.Month) And (Time1.Year =Time2.Year ) Then ChangedTimeDate:=False Else ChangedTimeDate:=True; End; Function ChangedDate(Const Date1, Date2:TimeDate):Boolean; Begin If (Date1.Day =Date2.Day ) And (Date1.Month=Date2.Month) And (Date1.Year =Date2.Year ) Then ChangedDate:=False Else ChangedDate:=True; End; Function DaysInMonth(Month:Byte;Year:Word):Byte; Begin Case Month Of 1:DaysInMonth:=31; 2:Begin If (Year Mod 100)=0 Then {Centuary} If (Year Mod 400)=0 Then DaysInMonth:=29 Else DaysInMonth:=28 Else {Non Centuary} If (Year Mod 4)=0 Then DaysInMonth:=29 Else DaysInMonth:=28; End; 3:DaysInMonth:=31; 4:DaysInMonth:=30; 5:DaysInMonth:=31; 6:DaysInMonth:=30; 7:DaysInMonth:=31; 8:DaysInMonth:=31; 9:DaysInMonth:=30; 10:DaysInMonth:=31; 11:DaysInMonth:=30; 12:DaysInMonth:=31; End; End; Function DaysInYear(Year:Word):Word; Begin If DaysInMonth(2,Year)=29 Then DaysInYear:=366 Else DaysInYear:=365; End; End.