{ MD>What would anyone here recommend as being the best way for DOS >protected mode to get the current time of day *without* flipping >back to real mode to make a standard DOS call? If your code is allowed to talk to the real-time clock (RTC) chip, here's some example code to access the RTC directly. The functions work solely with 24-hr time format (if needed, internally by the RTC, they translate between 12/24-hr times and binary/BCD formats)... } (*******************************************************************) PROGRAM RClock; { Get/Set Time/Date directly from RTC chip } { June 9, 1994. Greg Vigneault } TYPE Treg = 0..$D; { range for time/date register addresses } To23 = 0..23; { range for hours } To59 = 0..59; { range for minutes and seconds } VAR Yr, Mth, Day, DoW, Hr, Min, Sec : BYTE; FUNCTION RTCbusy:BOOLEAN; BEGIN { RTC time/date being updated?... } Port[$70] := $A;; RTCbusy := (Port[$71] AND 128) = 128; END {RTCbusy}; FUNCTION ReadReg (Reg:Treg):BYTE; BEGIN { read an RTC register... } IF Reg IN [0..9] THEN REPEAT {wait} UNTIL NOT RTCbusy; Port[$70] := Reg;; ReadReg := Port[$71]; END {ReadReg}; PROCEDURE WriteReg (Reg:Treg; Data:BYTE); { write RTC reg... } VAR temp:BYTE; BEGIN IF Reg IN [0..9] THEN BEGIN { time/date reg? } REPEAT {wait} UNTIL NOT RTCbusy; Port[$70] := $B;; temp := Port[$71];; Port[$71] := temp OR $80; END{IF}; Port[$70] := Reg;; Port[$71] := Data; IF Reg IN [0..9] THEN BEGIN Port[$70] := $B;; Port[$71] := temp AND NOT $80; END{IF}; END {WriteReg}; FUNCTION BCD2Bin (BCD:BYTE):BYTE; BEGIN { xlate BCD to binary... } BCD2Bin := (BCD AND $0F) + ((BCD SHR 4) * 10); END {BCD2Bin}; FUNCTION Bin2BCD (Bin:BYTE):BYTE; BEGIN { xlate binary to BCD... } Bin2BCD := (Bin MOD 10) OR BYTE((Bin DIV 10) SHL 4); END {Bin2BCD}; PROCEDURE GetTime (VAR Hr,Min,Sec:BYTE); VAR temp:BYTE; BEGIN Sec := ReadReg(0);; Min := ReadReg(2); Hr := ReadReg(4);; temp := Hr;; Hr := Hr AND NOT $80; IF (ReadReg($B) AND 4) <> 4 THEN BEGIN { xlate BCD to bin... } Sec := BCD2Bin(Sec);; Min := BCD2Bin(Min);; Hr := BCD2Bin(Hr); END{IF}; IF (ReadReg($B) AND 2) <> 2 THEN { RTC in 12-hr mode?... } IF (temp AND 128) = 128 { P.M.? } THEN BEGIN IF (Hr < 12) THEN INC(Hr,12); END ELSE IF Hr = 12 THEN Hr := 0; END {GetTime}; PROCEDURE SetTime (Hr:To23; Min,Sec:To59); VAR temp:BYTE; BEGIN temp := BYTE(Hr); IF (ReadReg($B) AND 2) <> 2 THEN { RTC in 12-hr mode?... } IF (Hr > 12) THEN DEC(Hr,12) ELSE IF Hr = 0 THEN Hr := 12; IF (ReadReg($B) AND 4) <> 4 THEN BEGIN { RTC wants BCD format... } Hr := Bin2BCD(Hr);; Min := Bin2BCD(Min);; Sec := Bin2BCD(Sec); END{IF}; IF ((ReadReg($B) AND 2)<>2) AND (temp > 11) THEN Hr := Hr OR $80; WriteReg(0,Sec);; WriteReg(2,Min);; WriteReg(4,Hr); END {SetTime}; PROCEDURE GetDate (VAR Yr,Mth,Day:BYTE); BEGIN Day := ReadReg(7);; Mth := ReadReg(8);; Yr := ReadReg(9); IF (ReadReg($B) AND 4) <> 4 THEN BEGIN { xlate BCD to binay... } Day := BCD2Bin(Day);; Mth := BCD2Bin(Mth);; Yr := BCD2Bin(Yr); END; {IF} END {GetDate}; PROCEDURE SetDate (Yr,Mth,Day:BYTE); BEGIN IF (ReadReg($B) AND 4) <> 4 THEN BEGIN { RTC wants BCD format... } Day := Bin2BCD(Day);; Mth := Bin2BCD(Mth);; Yr := Bin2BCD(Yr); END{IF}; WriteReg(7,Day);; WriteReg(8,Mth);; WriteReg(9,Yr); END {SetDate}; BEGIN {RClock} GetTime (Hr,Min,Sec);; GetDate (Yr,Mth,Day);; WriteLn; Write ('Date is ',Mth,'/',Day,'/',Yr,'. '); WriteLn ('Time is ',Hr,':',Min:2,':',Sec:2,'.'); Write ('(BTW, your RTC is in '); IF (ReadReg($B) AND 2) <> 2 THEN Write ('12') ELSE Write ('24'); Write ('-hour mode using '); IF (ReadReg($B) AND 4) <> 4 THEN Write('BCD') ELSE Write('binary'); WriteLn (' format.)'); END {RClock}.