program dt; uses Dos; const id = 'Tansin A Darcos & Company, P O Box 70970, SW DC 20024-0970 ' + '"Ask about our software catalog."'+ '°°±±²²ÛÛ In Stereo Where Available ÛÛ²²±±°° '+ 'Stolen tagline: "Special favors come in 31 flavors... Pass ' + 'the mints... I''m out of Life Savers." Just don''t sue us ' + 'if you use this. '; var i, y, m, d, h, s, hund, dow : Word; ch : char; cc : string[2]; procedure date; begin GetDate(y,m,d,dow); WriteLn(m:0, '/', d:0, '/', y:0); end; procedure time; begin GetTime(h,m,s,hund); WriteLn(h,':',m,':',s); end; procedure help; begin writeln(' Shows Date and / or time [TDR]'); writeln('DT [ dt | d | t | td | /? ] [>file.txt]'); writeln(' dt - (or no arguments) Shows date, then time'); writeln(' d - show date only'); writeln(' t - show time'); writeln(' td - show time then date'); writeln(' /? - show this message'); writeln(' >file.txt - optionally send output to file.txt'); end; begin cc := 'DT'; if paramcount<>0 then cc := paramstr(1); for i := 1 to Length(cc) do cc[i] := UpCase(cc[i]); ch := cc[1]; if cc = '/?' then help else if length(cc) = 1 then if ch = 'D' then date else time else if (cc = 'TD') then begin time; date end else begin date; time end end.