Q: How do I terminate all running tasks? A: Below is some code that will help if you want to terminate ALL tasks, no questions asked. A word of caution, before you run this for the first time, make sure that you save it and anything else that may have some pending data. procedure TForm1.ButtonKillAllClick(Sender: TObject); var pTask : PTaskEntry; Task : Bool; ThisTask: THANDLE; begin GetMem (pTask, SizeOf (TTaskEntry)); pTask^.dwSize := SizeOf (TTaskEntry); Task := TaskFirst (pTask); while Task do begin if pTask^.hInst = hInstance then ThisTask := pTask^.hTask else TerminateApp (pTask^.hTask, NO_UAE_BOX); Task := TaskNext (pTask); end; TerminateApp (ThisTask, NO_UAE_BOX); end;