Here is the poor man's version: procedure keybd_Event; far; external 'USER' index 289; procedure PostVKey(bVirtKey: byte; Up: Boolean); var AXReg,BXReg : Word; AXHigh, AXLow, BXHigh, BXLow : Byte; function MakeWord(L,H: Byte): Word; begin MakeWord := (H shl 8) + L; end; begin AXLow := bVirtKey; if up then AXHigh := $80 else AXHigh := $0; AXreg := MakeWord(AXLow,AXHigh); BXLow := VkKeyScan(bVirtKey); BXHigh := 0; BXReg := MakeWord(BXLow,BXHigh); asm mov bx,BXreg; mov ax,AXReg; end; Keybd_Event; end; then to simulate Shift+Ins you need:- PostVKey(VK_Shift,false); PostVKey(VK_Insert,false); PostVKey(VK_Insert,True); PostVKey(VK_Shift,True); Here is the Rolls-Royce version: Note: This is commercial and copyrighted code. The source code may not be sold for profit (unless Steve is doing the selling). {This unit is to be included in the app that you are running.} unit SKeys; interface type { Return values for SendKeys function } TSendKeyError = (sk_None, sk_FailSetHook, sk_InvalidToken, sk_UnknownError); function SendKeys(S: String): TSendKeyError; implementation function SendKeys; external 'SendKey' index 2; end. (********************************************) {Here is the DLL that is used.} library SendKey; uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, KeyDefs; type { Error codes } TSendKeyError = (sk_None, sk_FailSetHook, sk_InvalidToken, sk_UnknownError); { exceptions } ESendKeyError = class(Exception); ESetHookError = class(ESendKeyError); EInvalidToken = class(ESendKeyError); { a TList descendant that know how to dispose of its contents } TMessageList = class(TList) public destructor Destroy; override; end; destructor TMessageList.Destroy; var i: longint; begin { deallocate all the message records before discarding the list } for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Dispose(PEventMsg(Items[i])); inherited Destroy; end; var { variables global to the DLL } MsgCount: word; MessageBuffer: TEventMsg; HookHandle: hHook; Playing: Boolean; MessageList: TMessageList; AltPressed, ControlPressed, ShiftPressed: Boolean; NextSpecialKey: TKeyString; function MakeWord(L, H: Byte): Word; { macro creates a word from low and high bytes } inline( $5A/ { pop dx } $58/ { pop ax } $8A/$E2); { mov ah, dl } procedure StopPlayback; { Unhook the hook, and clean up } begin { if Hook is currently active, then unplug it } if Playing then UnhookWindowsHookEx(HookHandle); MessageList.Free; Playing := False; end; function Play(Code: integer; wParam: word; lParam: Longint): Longint; export; { This is the JournalPlayback callback function. It is called by Windows } { when Windows polls for hardware events. The code parameter indicates what } { to do. } begin case Code of hc_Skip: begin { hc_Skip means to pull the next message out of our list. If we } { are at the end of the list, it's okay to unhook the JournalPlayback } { hook from here. } { increment message counter } inc(MsgCount); { check to see if all messages have been played } if MsgCount >= MessageList.Count then StopPlayback else { copy next message from list into buffer } MessageBuffer := TEventMsg(MessageList.Items[MsgCount]^); Result := 0; end; hc_GetNext: begin { hc_GetNext means to fill the wParam and lParam with the proper } { values so that the message can be played back. DO NOT unhook } { hook from within here. Return value indicates how much time until } { Windows should playback message. We'll return 0 so that it's } { processed right away. } { move message in buffer to message queue } PEventMsg(lParam)^ := MessageBuffer; Result := 0 { process immediately } end else { if Code isn't hc_Skip or hc_GetNext, then call next hook in chain } Result := CallNextHookEx(HookHandle, Code, wParam, lParam); end; end; procedure StartPlayback; { Initializes globals and sets the hook } begin { grab first message from list and place in buffer in case we } { get a hc_GetNext before and hc_Skip } MessageBuffer := TEventMsg(MessageList.Items[0]^); { initialize message count and play indicator } MsgCount := 0; { initialize Alt, Control, and Shift key flags } AltPressed := False; ControlPressed := False; ShiftPressed := False; { set the hook! } HookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(wh_JournalPlayback, Play, hInstance, 0); if HookHandle = 0 then raise ESetHookError.Create('Couldn''t set hook') else Playing := True; end; procedure MakeMessage(vKey: byte; M: word); { procedure builds a TEventMsg record that emulates a keystroke and } { adds it to message list } var E: PEventMsg; begin New(E); { allocate a message record } with E^ do begin Message := M; { set message field } { high byte of ParamL is the vk code, low byte is the scan code } ParamL := MakeWord(vKey, MapVirtualKey(vKey, 0)); ParamH := 1; { repeat count is 1 } Time := GetTickCount; { set time } end; MessageList.Add(E); end; procedure KeyDown(vKey: byte); { Generates KeyDownMessage } begin { don't generate a "sys" key if the control key is pressed (Windows quirk) } if (AltPressed and (not ControlPressed) and (vKey in [Ord('A')..Ord('Z')])) or (vKey = vk_Menu) then MakeMessage(vKey, wm_SysKeyDown) else MakeMessage(vKey, wm_KeyDown); end; procedure KeyUp(vKey: byte); { Generates KeyUp message } begin { don't generate a "sys" key if the control key is pressed (Windows quirk) } if AltPressed and (not ControlPressed) and (vKey in [Ord('A')..Ord('Z')]) then MakeMessage(vKey, wm_SysKeyUp) else MakeMessage(vKey, wm_KeyUp); end; procedure SimKeyPresses(VKeyCode: Word); { This function simulates keypresses for the given key, taking into } { account the current state of Alt, Control, and Shift keys } begin { press Alt key if flag has been set } if AltPressed then KeyDown(vk_Menu); { press Control key if flag has been set } if ControlPressed then KeyDown(vk_Control); { if shift is pressed, or shifted key and control is not pressed... } if (((Hi(VKeyCode) and 1) <> 0) and (not ControlPressed)) or ShiftPressed then KeyDown(vk_Shift); { shift } KeyDown(Lo(VKeyCode)); { press key down } KeyUp(Lo(VKeyCode)); { release key } { if shift is pressed, or shifted key and control is not pressed... } if (((Hi(VKeyCode) and 1) <> 0) and (not ControlPressed)) or ShiftPressed then KeyUp(vk_Shift); { ...release shift } { if shift flag is set, reset flag } if ShiftPressed then begin ShiftPressed := False; end; { Release Control key if flag has been set, reset flag } if ControlPressed then begin KeyUp(vk_Control); ControlPressed := False; end; { Release Alt key if flag has been set, reset flag } if AltPressed then begin KeyUp(vk_Menu); AltPressed := False; end; end; procedure ProcessKey(S: String); { This function parses each character in the string to create the message list } var KeyCode: word; Key: byte; index: integer; Token: TKeyString; begin index := 1; repeat case S[index] of KeyGroupOpen : begin { It's the beginning of a special token! } Token := ''; inc(index); while S[index] <> KeyGroupClose do begin { add to Token until the end token symbol is encountered } Token := Token + S[index]; inc(index); { check to make sure the token's not too long } if (Length(Token) = 7) and (S[index] <> KeyGroupClose) then raise EInvalidToken.Create('No closing brace'); end; { look for token in array, Key parameter will } { contain vk code if successful } if not FindKeyInArray(Token, Key) then raise EInvalidToken.Create('Invalid token'); { simulate keypress sequence } SimKeyPresses(MakeWord(Key, 0)); end; AltKey : begin { set Alt flag } AltPressed := True; end; ControlKey : begin { set Control flag } ControlPressed := True; end; ShiftKey : begin { set Shift flag } ShiftPressed := True; end; else begin { A normal character was pressed } { convert character into a word where the high byte contains } { the shift state and the low byte contains the vk code } KeyCode := vkKeyScan(MakeWord(Byte(S[index]), 0)); { simulate keypress sequence } SimKeyPresses(KeyCode); end; end; inc(index); until index > Length(S); end; function SendKeys(S: String): TSendKeyError; export; { This is the one entry point. Based on the string passed in the S } { parameter, this function creates a list of keyup/keydown messages, } { sets a JournalPlayback hook, and replays the keystroke messages. } var i: byte; begin try Result := sk_None; { assume success } MessageList := TMessageList.Create; { create list of messages } ProcessKey(S); { create messages from string } StartPlayback; { set hook and play back messages } except { if an exception occurs, return an error code, and clean up } on E:ESendKeyError do begin MessageList.Free; if E is ESetHookError then Result := sk_FailSetHook else if E is EInvalidToken then Result := sk_InvalidToken; end else { Catch-all exception handler ensures than an exception } { doesn't walk up into application stack } Result := sk_UnknownError; end; end; exports SendKeys index 2; begin end. (********************************************) unit Keydefs; interface uses WinTypes; const MaxKeys = 24; ControlKey = '^'; AltKey = '@'; ShiftKey = '~'; KeyGroupOpen = '{'; KeyGroupClose = '}'; type TKeyString = String[7]; TKeyDef = record Key: TKeyString; vkCode: Byte; end; const KeyDefArray : array[1..MaxKeys] of TKeyDef = ( (Key: 'F1'; vkCode: vk_F1), (Key: 'F2'; vkCode: vk_F2), (Key: 'F3'; vkCode: vk_F3), (Key: 'F4'; vkCode: vk_F4), (Key: 'F5'; vkCode: vk_F5), (Key: 'F6'; vkCode: vk_F6), (Key: 'F7'; vkCode: vk_F7), (Key: 'F8'; vkCode: vk_F8), (Key: 'F9'; vkCode: vk_F9), (Key: 'F10'; vkCode: vk_F10), (Key: 'F11'; vkCode: vk_F11), (Key: 'F12'; vkCode: vk_F12), (Key: 'INSERT'; vkCode: vk_Insert), (Key: 'DELETE'; vkCode: vk_Delete), (Key: 'HOME'; vkCode: vk_Home), (Key: 'END'; vkCode: vk_End), (Key: 'PGUP'; vkCode: vk_Prior), (Key: 'PGDN'; vkCode: vk_Next), (Key: 'TAB'; vkCode: vk_Tab), (Key: 'ENTER'; vkCode: vk_Return), (Key: 'BKSP'; vkCode: vk_Back), (Key: 'PRTSC'; vkCode: vk_SnapShot), (Key: 'SHIFT'; vkCode: vk_Shift), (Key: 'ESCAPE'; vkCode: vk_Escape)); function FindKeyInArray(Key: TKeyString; var Code: Byte): Boolean; implementation uses SysUtils; function FindKeyInArray(Key: TKeyString; var Code: Byte): Boolean; { function searches array for token passed in Key, and returns the } { virtual key code in Code. } var i: word; begin Result := False; for i := Low(KeyDefArray) to High(KeyDefArray) do if UpperCase(Key) = KeyDefArray[i].Key then begin Code := KeyDefArray[i].vkCode; Result := True; Break; end; end; end.