Program DIRSEL; Uses Crt,Dos; { ** needed for DIRSELECT functions ** } { ** The following Type & Var declarations are for the main program only ** } { ** However, the string length of the returned parameter from DIRSELECT ** } { ** must be a least 12 characters. ** } Type strtype = String[12]; Var spec,fname : strtype; { ************************************************************************** } { ** List of Procedures/Functions needed for DIRSELECT ** } { ** Procedure CURSOR - turns cursor on or off ** } { ** Procedure FRAME - draws single or double frame ** } { ** Function ISCOLOR - returns the current video mode ** } { ** Procedure SAVESCR - saves current video screen ** } { ** Procedure RESTORESCR - restores old video screen ** } { ** Procedure SCRGET - get character/attribute ** } { ** Procedure SCRPUT - put character/attribute ** } { ** Procedure FNAMEPOS - finds proper screen position ** } { ** Procedure HILITE - highlights proper name ** } { ** Function DIRSELECT - directory selector ** } { ************************************************************************** } Procedure CURSOR( attrib : Boolean ); Var regs : Registers; Begin If NOT attrib Then { turn cursor off } Begin regs.ah := 1; := 7; := 32; Intr($10,regs) End Else { turn cursor on } Begin Intr($11,regs); := $0607; If AND $10 <> 0 Then := $0B0C; regs.ah := 1; Intr($10,regs) End End; Procedure FRAME(t,l,b,r,ftype : Integer); Var i : Integer; Begin GoToXY(l,t); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(201)) Else Write(Chr(218)); GoToXY(r,t); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(187)) Else Write(Chr(191)); GoToXY(l+1,t); For i := 1 To (r - (l + 1)) Do If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(205)) Else Write(Chr(196)); GoToXY(l+1,b); For i := 1 To (r - (l + 1)) Do If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(205)) Else Write(Chr(196)); GoToXY(l,b); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(200)) Else Write(Chr(192)); GoToXY(r,b); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(188)) Else Write(Chr(217)); For i := (t+1) To (b-1) Do Begin GoToXY(l,i); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(186)) Else Write(Chr(179)) End; For i := (t+1) To (b-1) Do Begin GoToXY(r,i); If ftype = 2 Then Write(Chr(186)) Else Write(Chr(179)) End End; Function ISCOLOR : Boolean; { returns FALSE for MONO or TRUE for COLOR } Var regs : Registers; video_mode : Integer; equ_lo : Byte; Begin Intr($11,regs); video_mode := and $30; video_mode := video_mode shr 4; Case video_mode of 1 : ISCOLOR := FALSE; { Monochrome } 2 : ISCOLOR := TRUE { Color } End End; Procedure SAVESCR( Var screen ); Var vidc : Byte Absolute $B800:0000; vidm : Byte Absolute $B000:0000; Begin If NOT ISCOLOR Then { if MONO } Move(vidm,screen,4000) Else { else COLOR } Move(vidc,screen,4000) End; Procedure RESTORESCR( Var screen ); Var vidc : Byte Absolute $B800:0000; vidm : Byte Absolute $B000:0000; Begin If NOT ISCOLOR Then { if MONO } Move(screen,vidm,4000) Else { else COLOR } Move(screen,vidc,4000) End; Procedure SCRGET( Var ch,attr : Byte ); Var regs : Registers; Begin := 0; regs.ah := 8; Intr($10,regs); ch :=; attr := regs.ah End; Procedure SCRPUT( ch,attr : Byte ); Var regs : Registers; Begin := ch; := attr; := 0; := 1; := 0; regs.ah := 9; Intr($10,regs); End; Procedure FNAMEPOS(Var arypos,x,y : Integer); { determine position on screen of filename } Const FPOS1 = 2; FPOS2 = 15; FPOS3 = 28; FPOS4 = 41; FPOS5 = 54; FPOS6 = 67; Begin Case arypos of 1: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 2 End; 2: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 2 End; 3: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 2 End; 4: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 2 End; 5: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 2 End; 6: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 2 End; 7: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 3 End; 8: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 3 End; 9: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 3 End; 10: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 3 End; 11: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 3 End; 12: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 3 End; 13: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 4 End; 14: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 4 End; 15: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 4 End; 16: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 4 End; 17: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 4 End; 18: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 4 End; 19: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 5 End; 20: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 5 End; 21: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 5 End; 22: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 5 End; 23: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 5 End; 24: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 5 End; 25: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 6 End; 26: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 6 End; 27: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 6 End; 28: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 6 End; 29: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 6 End; 30: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 6 End; 31: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 7 End; 32: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 7 End; 33: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 7 End; 34: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 7 End; 35: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 7 End; 36: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 7 End; 37: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 8 End; 38: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 8 End; 39: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 8 End; 40: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 8 End; 41: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 8 End; 42: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 8 End; 43: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 9 End; 44: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 9 End; 45: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 9 End; 46: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 9 End; 47: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 9 End; 48: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 9 End; 49: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 10 End; 50: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 10 End; 51: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 10 End; 52: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 10 End; 53: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 10 End; 54: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 10 End; 55: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 11 End; 56: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 11 End; 57: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 11 End; 58: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 11 End; 59: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 11 End; 60: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 11 End; 61: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 12 End; 62: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 12 End; 63: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 12 End; 64: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 12 End; 65: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 12 End; 66: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 12 End; 67: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 13 End; 68: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 13 End; 69: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 13 End; 70: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 13 End; 71: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 13 End; 72: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 13 End; 73: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 14 End; 74: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 14 End; 75: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 14 End; 76: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 14 End; 77: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 14 End; 78: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 14 End; 79: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 15 End; 80: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 15 End; 81: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 15 End; 82: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 15 End; 83: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 15 End; 84: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 15 End; 85: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 16 End; 86: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 16 End; 87: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 16 End; 88: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 16 End; 89: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 16 End; 90: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 16 End; 91: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 17 End; 92: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 17 End; 93: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 17 End; 94: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 17 End; 95: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 17 End; 96: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 17 End; 97: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 18 End; 98: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 18 End; 99: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 18 End; 100: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 18 End; 101: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 18 End; 102: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 18 End; 103: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 19 End; 104: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 19 End; 105: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 19 End; 106: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 19 End; 107: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 19 End; 108: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 19 End; 109: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 20 End; 110: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 20 End; 111: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 20 End; 112: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 20 End; 113: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 20 End; 114: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 20 End; 115: Begin x := FPOS1; y := 21 End; 116: Begin x := FPOS2; y := 21 End; 117: Begin x := FPOS3; y := 21 End; 118: Begin x := FPOS4; y := 21 End; 119: Begin x := FPOS5; y := 21 End; 120: Begin x := FPOS6; y := 21 End Else Begin x := 0; y := 0; End End End; Procedure HILITE(old,new : Integer); { highlight a filename on the screen } Var i,oldx,oldy,newx,newy : Integer; ccolor,locolor,hicolor,cchar : Byte; Begin FNAMEPOS(old,oldx,oldy); { get position in the array of the filename } FNAMEPOS(new,newx,newy); { get position in the array of the filename } For i := 0 To 11 Do Begin If old < 121 Then { if valid position, reverse video, old selection } Begin GoToXY((oldx + i),oldy); SCRGET(cchar,ccolor); locolor := ccolor AND $0F; locolor := locolor shl 4; hicolor := ccolor AND $F0; hicolor := hicolor shr 4; ccolor := locolor + hicolor; SCRPUT(cchar,ccolor) End; GoToXY((newx + i),newy); { reverse video, new selection } SCRGET(cchar,ccolor); locolor := ccolor AND $0F; locolor := locolor shl 4; hicolor := ccolor AND $F0; hicolor := hicolor shr 4; ccolor := locolor + hicolor; SCRPUT(cchar,ccolor) End End; Function DIRSELECT(mask : strtype; attr : Integer) : strtype; Const OFF = FALSE; ON = TRUE; Var i,oldcurx,oldcury, newcurx,newcury, oldpos,newpos, scrrows,fncnt : Integer; ch : Char; dos_dir : Array[1..120] of String[12]; fileinfo : SearchRec; screen : Array[1..4000] of Byte; Begin fncnt := 0; FindFirst(mask,attr,fileinfo); If DosError <> 0 Then { if not found, return NULL } Begin DIRSELECT := ''; Exit End; While (DosError = 0) AND (fncnt <> 120) Do { else, collect filenames } Begin Inc(fncnt); dos_dir[fncnt] := fileinfo.Name; FindNext(fileinfo) End; oldcurx := WhereX; { store old CURSOR position } oldcury := WhereY; SAVESCR(screen); CURSOR(OFF); scrrows := (fncnt DIV 6) + 3; Window(1,1,80,scrrows + 1); ClrScr; GoToXY(1,1); i := 1; While (i <= fncnt) AND (i <= 120) Do { display all filenames } Begin FNAMEPOS(i,newcurx,newcury); GoToXY(newcurx,newcury); Write(dos_dir[i]); Inc(i) End; FRAME(1,1,scrrows,80,1); { draw the frame } HILITE(255,1); { highlight the first filename } oldpos := 1; newpos := 1; While TRUE Do { get keypress and do appropriate action } Begin ch := ReadKey; Case ch of #27: { Esc } Begin Window(1,1,80,25); RESTORESCR(screen); GoToXY(oldcurx,oldcury); CURSOR(ON); DIRSELECT := ''; Exit { return NULL } End; #71: { Home } { goto first filename } Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := 1; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End; #79: { End } { goto last filename } Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := fncnt; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End; #72: { Up } { move up one filename } Begin i := newpos; i := i - 6; If i >= 1 Then Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := i; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End End; #80: { Down } { move down one filename } Begin i := newpos; i := i + 6; If i <= fncnt Then Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := i; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End End; #75: { Left } { move left one filename } Begin i := newpos; Dec(i); If i >= 1 Then Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := i; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End End; #77: { Right } { move right one filename } Begin i := newpos; Inc(i); If i <= fncnt Then Begin oldpos := newpos; newpos := i; HILITE(oldpos,newpos) End End; #13: { CR } Begin Window(1,1,80,25); RESTORESCR(screen); GoToXY(oldcurx,oldcury); { return old CURSOR position } CURSOR(ON); DIRSELECT := dos_dir[newpos]; Exit { return with filename } End End End End; { ************************************************************************** } { ** Main Program : NOTE that the following is a demo program only. ** } { ** It is not needed to use the DIRSELECT function. ** } { ************************************************************************** } Begin While TRUE Do Begin Writeln; Write('Enter a filespec => '); Readln(spec); fname := DIRSELECT(spec,0); If Length(fname) = 0 Then Begin Writeln('Filespec not found.'); Halt End; Writeln('The file you have chosen is ',fname,'.') End End. { ** EOF( DIRSEL.PAS ) ** }