{ On 05-25-94 ROBERT HARRISON wrote to ALL... RH> I'm trying to obtain the source for searching for files in all RH> directories and drives. Anyone happened to have the information RH> they would like to share with me? Thanks. ----------------- 8< ------------- } USES DOS, Crt; PROCEDURE Search; VAR Err : INTEGER; Attrib, CurrDir : STRING; DirInfo : SearchRec; Begin FindFirst( '*.*', AnyFile, DirInfo ); Err := 0; WHILE Err = 0 DO Begin { If the directory wasn't . or .., then find all files in it ... } IF ((DirInfo.Attr AND Directory) = Directory) AND (Pos( '.', DirInfo.Name ) = 0) THEN Begin {$I-} ChDir( DirInfo.Name ); {$I+} { Find all files in subdirectory that was found } Search; DirInfo.Attr := 0; End ELSE Begin GetDir( 0, CurrDir ); WriteLn( DirInfo.Name ); FindNext( DirInfo ); Err := DosError; End; End; {$I-} ChDir( '..' ); {$I+} IF IOResult <> 0 THEN { Do Nothing...probably root directory... }; End; VAR CurDir : STRING; Begin ClrScr; GetDir( 0, CurDir ); ChDir( 'C:\' ); Search; ChDir( CurDir ); End.