Remove all files and subdirectories Q: Has anyone run across a function that will recursively remove files and directories given a starting subdirectory path. Failing that I would settle for a simple RemoveDirectory function that will just remove a given directory. A: This doesn't check for attributes being set, which might preclude deletion of a file. Put a {$I-} {$I+} pair around the functions that cause the problem. procedure removeTree (DirName: string); var FileSearch: SearchRec; begin { first, go through and delete all the directories } chDir (DirName); FindFirst ('*.*', Directory, FileSearch); while (DosError = 0) do begin if ( <> '.') AND ( <> '..') AND ( (FileSearch.attr AND Directory) <> 0) then begin if DirName[length(DirName)] = '\' then removeTree (DirName+FileSearch.Name) else removeTree (DirName+'\'+FileSearch.Name); ChDir (DirName); end; FindNext (FileSearch) end; { then, go through and delete all the files } FindFirst ('*.*', AnyFile, FileSearch); while (DosError = 0) do begin if ( <> '.') AND ( <> '..') then Remove (workdir); end; FindNext (FileSearch) end; rmDir (DirName) end;