(* =========================================================================== BBS: The Beta Connection Date: 06-05-93 (12:54) Number: 67 From: BRENDEN WALKER Refer#: NONE To: WAYNE DOYLE Recvd: NO Subj: DIR. SEARCH Conf: (321) Pascal___U --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WD³ Hi Everyone, ³ I'm interested in finding out how to have the computer search and ³ find all of the available directories on a disk. I have a program which ³ deletes all of *.BAK files on a disk and I'd like to know how it finds ³ all of the directories. The below example code, will kill a directory and all of it's sub-directories. This could be modified to delete all of the .BAK files in all directories on the hard-drive. Of course, this may not help much, but I rarely use pseudo-code. *) procedure Kill_Dir(p : pathstr); var Od, Rd : pathstr; Sr : SearchRec; t : file; begin getdir(0,Od); ChDir(p); if length(p) > 4 then p := p + '\'; FindFirst('*.*', anyfile, Sr); while DosError = 0 do begin temp := p + Sr.Name; if (Sr.Attr and Directory > 0) then begin if (Sr.Name <> '.') and (Sr.Name <> '..') then begin Rd := temp; Kill_Dir(temp); RmDir(Rd); end; end else begin assign(t,sr.name); erase(t); end; FindNext(Sr); end; ChDir(Od); end;