=========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 06-17-93 (20:44) Number: 8849 From: GREG VIGNEAULT Refer#: NONE To: KURT TAN Recvd: NO Subj: WARM & COLD TP REBOOT... Conf: (58) PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KT> Can anybody tell me how to reboot with Turbo Pascal? Hi Kurt, You may find that using interrupt $19 doesn't work on many systems. The following cold and warm boot procedures should work under most PC/MS-DOS environments. It doesn't use either ASM or INLINE ... (*******************************************************************) PROGRAM DemoReboot; { force a Cold or Warm Reboot } USES Crt, { import ClrScr, ReadKey } Dos; { import Intr(), Registers } PROCEDURE Reboot; { <- only call from Cold & WarmBoot } VAR dummy : Registers; { Intr() needs Register TYPE } BEGIN MemW[0:0] := 0; { modify an interrupt vector (eg.0) } MemW[0:2] := $FFFF; { to point to $FFFF:$0000 } Intr(0,dummy); { and force a call to it } END {Reboot}; PROCEDURE ColdBoot; { like a system power-up or reset } BEGIN MemW[0:$472] := $7F7F; { tell the system it's a Cold boot } Reboot; { ...we don't return from here } END {ColdBoot}; PROCEDURE WarmBoot; { same as Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot } BEGIN MemW[0:$472] := $1234; { tell the system it's a Warm boot } Reboot; { ...bye-bye } END {WarmBoot}; BEGIN ClrScr; Write('Do you want a Warm or Cold reboot (W/C) ? '); IF UpCase(ReadKey) = 'W' THEN WarmBoot ELSE ColdBoot; END {DemoReboot}. (*******************************************************************) Greg_ Jun.17.1993.Toronto UUCP greg.vigneault@bville.gts.org FIDO 1:250/304 --- þ RoseMail 2.10á: NANET 41-62-24 Baudeville -Toronto ON - 416-283-0114