{ SEAN PALMER > How would I use this Variable after I Exit the pascal Program?? You wouldn't. It won't work. What you COULD do though is to have it return an errorlevel to Dos if you cancel... } Program ruSure; Uses Crt; Procedure yes; begin TextAttr := 12; Writeln('Okay.'); {no error here} end; Procedure no; begin TextAttr := 26; Writeln('Aborted.'); halt(1); {report an error to Dos} end; begin TextAttr := 13; Write('Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]'); Case upcase(ReadKey) of 'Y' : yes; 'N' : no; end; end. { Now the batch file : rusure REM check For an error from the Program if errorlevel 1 Goto NOPE goto EXIT :NOPE cd .. etc.