{ some days ago, Bryan Ellis (gt6918b@prism.gatech.edu) asked how one could, in TP, check whether a disk in a drive is formatted or not. I did not see any answer on this posted to the list, so here comes an 'extract' from code of mine which might help. { The following two procedures were extracted from old file copy programs of mine; Therefore they should be 'cleaned-up' and fixed up before being included in somebody's code. The purpose of the first one is to ensure that: a) the target disk (to be written to) is indeed present in the drive; b) the target disk is a formatted one. If it is not, then opportunity is provided for formatting by shelling to DOS (rather clumsy, but you get the idea ;-)). The purpose of the second procedure is partly redundant with that of the first one. It checks whether the disk is present in the drive, and it also warns when the disk is write protected. Calls to ancillary procedures for putting the cursor onto the right column and row on the screen, or to clean up the display, save and restore the screen, or warning noises etc., were removed, which explains the somewhat desultory code, which I had no time to rewrite :-( } { uses DOS,CRT; } Procedure CheckDriv(driv : string; var OK:boolean; var cc:char ); {* driv is the string holding the letter of the drive; *} {* OK is a global boolean var which must be true in order for *} {* the rest of the program to proceed. *} {* cc : checks input by the user *} {***************************************************************} var IOR : integer; jk,dr : char; S : string; CmdLine: PathStr; begin OK := TRUE; IOR := 0; {$I-} ChDir(driv); { make the target drive current } { the original current drive letter should be saved in order} { to be restored afterwards } dr := upcase(driv[1]); IOR := IOresult; if IOR = 152 then begin OK := FALSE; writeln('No disk in ',copy(driv,1,2)); writeln(' (Insert a disk or press ESC)'); repeat until keypressed; cc := readkey end else if IOR = 162 then begin OK := FALSE; writeln('Unformatted disk in ',copy(driv,1,2)); writeln('Press ESC to cancel...'); writeln('...or press ''*'' to format...'); repeat until keypressed; cc := readkey; { here, for security sake, only drives A and B were taken into account for writing } if ((cc = '*') AND ((dr = 'A') OR (dd = 'B'))) then begin cc := chr(27); { now, your Format.com file had better be in the path! } S := FSearch('FORMAT.COM', GetEnv('PATH')); S := FExpand(S); CmdLine := copy(driv,1,2); SwapVectors; Exec(S,CmdLine); SwapVectors; If DosError <> 0 then write('Dos error #',DosError) else write('Press any key...'); repeat until keypressed; jk := readkey; end end end; {$I+} Procedure CheckWrite(var FF: file; var OK: boolean; var cc: char); {* Tests for presence of disk in drive and write protect tab, *} {* to allow opening of untyped file for write: this file has *} {* of course been assigned before, elsewhere in the program *} {****************************************************************} {$I-} var riteprot : boolean; DiskAbsent : boolean; error : integer; begin riteprot := TRUE; DiskAbsent := TRUE; rewrite(FF); error := IOResult; riteprot := error = 150; DiskAbsent := error = 152; if riteprot then begin writeln('Disk is write protected!'); writeln('Correct the situation and press any key...'); repeat until keypressed; cc := readkey end; if DiskAbsent then begin writeln('No disk in the drive!'); writeln('Insert disk into drive, then press any key...'); repeat until keypressed; cc := readkey end; OK := (Not(riteprot)) AND (Not(DiskAbsent)) end; {$I+}