{ TF>How does one alter a DOS environment variable in PASCAL and have the change TF>reflected after the program terminates, leaving the user in DOS, and the use TF>types SET? This has been bugging me for a while. I know that there are two TF>copies of the environment and I need to access the top one, but I don't know TF>how. The following example shows how to change the prompt: } function MastEnvSeg(var Envlen: word): word; {-returns the master environment segment } var mcb,temp,handle : word; lastmcb : boolean; begin MastEnvSeg := 0; Envlen := 0; handle := MemW[0: $ba]; {-$2e * 4 + 2} {-The interrupt vector $2e points to the first paragraph of allocated to the command processor} mcb := pred(handle); {-mcb now points to the memory control block for the command processor} repeat temp := Mcb+MemW[Mcb:3]+1; if (Mem[temp:0] = $4d) and (MemW[temp:1] = handle) then begin lastmcb := false; mcb := temp; end else lastmcb := true; until lastmcb; EnvLen := Mem[Mcb:3] shl 4; MastEnvSeg := succ(Mcb); end; procedure InitNewPrompt; {-set up a new prompt for shelling to dos} type _2karray = array[1..2048] of byte; SegPtr = ^_2karray; const NewPrompt : string = ('PROMPT=Type EXIT to return to program$_$p$g'+#0); var EnvSegment, NewEnvSeg : word; PtrSeg, NewEnv : SegPtr; begin EnvSegment := memw[prefixseg:$2C]; {-this gets the actual starting segment of the current program's env} PtrSeg := ptr(pred(EnvSegment),0); {-The segment of the program's MCB - (Memory control block) } getmem(NewEnv,1072+length(NewPrompt)); {-Allocate heap memory and allow enough room for a dummy mcb } if ofs(NewEnv^) <> 0 then NewEnvSeg := seg(NewEnv^) + 2 else NewEnvSeg := succ(seg(NewEnv^)); {-Force the new environment to start at paragraph boundary} move(PtrSeg^,mem[pred(NewEnvSeg):0],16); {-copy the old mcb and force to paragraph boundary} memw[pred(NewEnvSeg):3] := (1072+length(NewPrompt)) shr 4; {-Alter the environment length by changing the dummy mcb} move(NewPrompt[1],memw[NewEnvSeg:0],length(NewPrompt)); {-install new prompt} memw[prefixseg:$2C] := NewEnvSeg; {-let the program know where the new env is} move(mem[EnvSegment:0],mem[NewEnvSeg:length(NewPrompt)],1024); {-shift the old env to the new area} end;