{ This is a VERY simple program to return an errorlevel based on whether the user pressed Y or N at a Yes/No prompt. Has to be simple since the wife uses it. :-) I use it in my batch files to branch to a different option depending on the user's selection. { Yes/No Errorlevel returner v.000003432á } { Returns errorlevel depending on the key } { chosen by the end user. } { by Rick Schaefer } { Donated to the public domain } Program YNExe; Uses Dos, Crt; var YN : char; i : integer; PROCEDURE Color(back, fore : BYTE); BEGIN TextAttr := (Fore + (Back SHL 4) ) MOD 128; END; begin color(15,0); writeln; writeln; for i := 1 to paramcount do write(paramstr(i)+' '); write(' (Y/N)? '); YN := readkey; YN := upcase(YN); textcolor(14); writeln(yn); if (YN = 'Y') then halt(1); if (YN = 'N') then halt(0); end.