{ Here's a little routine I wrote that checks to see if S1=S2, with wildcards (? or *)... IE, Wildcard('TURBO.PAS','T?R*.?AS') will return TRUE. Let me know if you find it useful... Released for SWAG... } Function Wildcard(S1,S2:String):Boolean; Var STmp1 : String[8]; STmp2 : String[3]; SS1, SS2 : String[12]; I : Integer; begin STmp1:=Copy(S1,1,Pos('.',S1+'.'))+'????????'; If (Pos('.',S1)>1) then STmp2:=Copy(S1,Pos('.',S1)+1,3)+'???' else STmp2:='???'; For I:=1 to 8 do If STmp1[I]='*' then For I:=I to 8 do STmp1[I]:='?'; For I:=1 to 3 do If STmp2[I]='*' then For I:=I to 3 do STmp2[I]:='?'; SS1:=STmp1+'.'+STmp2; STmp1:=Copy(S2,1,Pos('.',S2+'.'))+'????????'; If (Pos('.',S2)>1) then STmp2:=Copy(S2,Pos('.',S2)+1,3)+'???' else STmp2:='???'; For I:=1 to 8 do If STmp1[I]='*' then For I:=I to 8 do STmp1[I]:='?'; For I:=1 to 3 do If STmp2[I]='*' then For I:=I to 3 do STmp2[I]:='?'; SS2:=STmp1+'.'+STmp2; WildCard:=False; For I:=1 to 12 do If (UpCase(SS1[I])<>UpCase(SS2[I])) and (SS2[I]<>'?') then Exit; WildCard:=True; end; --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: Crazy Train BBS (604)383-2201 (1:340/88) SEEN-BY: 340/1 49 60 67 88 211 396/1 3615/50 51 PATH: 340/88 1 3615/50  {SWAG=???.SWG,JORGEN OLSSON,Wild cards} MSGID: 2:205/201@fidonet 94931c10 REPLY: 1:249/153.0 2ea83a7a PID: GE 1.01+ Hello, John! > I'm looking for some sort of function to return that: > SOMEFILE.TXT = SOM*.TX? > Function WildCompare(str1,st2: String): boolean; Hope you'll find this one useful to you. Not very beautiful (this message editor is obviously not made for writing pascal source :)), but it works. ---cut--- FUNCTION WildComp(wild,name:string):boolean; BEGIN WildComp:=FALSE; if name = '' then exit; CASE wild[1] of '*' : BEGIN if name[1]='.' then exit; if length(wild)=1 then WildComp:=TRUE; if (length(wild) > 1) and (wild[2]='.') and (length(name) > 0) then WildComp:=WildComp(copy(wild,3,length(wild)-2), copy(name,pos('.',name)+1,length(name)-pos('.',name))); END; '?': BEGIN if ord(wild[0])=1 then WildComp:=TRUE else WildComp:=WildComp(copy(wild,2,length(wild)-1), copy(name,2,length(name)-1)); END; ELSE if name[1] = wild[1] then if length(wild) > 1 then WildComp:=WildComp(copy(wild,2,length(wild)-1), copy(name,2,length(name)-1)) else if (length(name)=1) and (length(wild)=1) then WildComp:=TRUE else WildComp:=FALSE; END; END;