{ Finding (and dare we say "changing" the DOS serial #)... I too would like to see Borland add this to the DOS unit. I suspect it's not there because the interrupts to acquire the data are not supported. Be that as it may, I've excerpted two procedures from my "WhatDosOttaHave" unit. } unit xdos; Interface function GetVolSerialNo(DriveNo:Byte): string; Procedure PutVolSerialNo(DriveNo:Byte;SerialNo:longint); Implementation uses dos,crt; type SerNo_type = record case integer of 0: (SerNo1, SerNo2 : word); 1: (SerNo : longint); end; DiskSerNoInfo_type = record Infolevel : word; VolSerNo : SerNo_Type; VolLabel : array[1..11] of char; FileSys : array[1..8] of char; end; function HexDigit(N : Byte) : char; begin if n < 10 then HexDigit := Chr(Ord('0')+n) else HexDigit := Chr(Ord('A') + (n - 10)); end; function GetVolSerialNo(DriveNo:Byte): string; var ReturnArray : DiskSerNoInfo_type; Regs : Registers; begin with regs do begin AX := $440d; BL := DriveNo; CH := $08; CL := $66; DS := Seg(ReturnArray); DX := Ofs(ReturnArray); Intr($21,Regs); if (Flags and FCarry)<>0 then GetVolSerialNo := '' else with ReturnArray.VolSerNo do GetVolSerialNo :=HexDigit(Hi(SerNo2) Div 16) + HexDigit(Hi(SerNo2) Mod 16) + HexDigit(Lo(SerNo2) Div 16) + HexDigit(Lo(SerNo2) Mod 16) + HexDigit(Hi(SerNo1) Div 16) + HexDigit(Hi(SerNo1) Mod 16) + HexDigit(Lo(SerNo1) Div 16) + HexDigit(Lo(SerNo1) Mod 16); end; end; Procedure PutVolSerialNo(DriveNo:Byte;SerialNo:longint); var ReturnArray : DiskSerNoInfo_type; Regs : Registers; begin with regs do begin AX := $440d; BL := DriveNo; CH := $08; CL := $66; DS := Seg(ReturnArray); DX := Ofs(ReturnArray); Intr($21,Regs); if (Flags and FCarry)=0 then begin ReturnArray.VolSerNo.SerNo := SerialNo; AH := $69; BL := DriveNo; AL := $01; DS := Seg(ReturnArray); DX := Ofs(ReturnArray); Intr($21,Regs); end; end; end; end.