{ Please check below for the WINDOWS version of this code } {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G+,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q+,R+,S+,T-,V+,X+,Y+} Unit D4Dos; { ******************4DOS description functions**************** Written by: W. de Vries, dVELP Services Target: DOS real-mode Date: March 1994 Purpose: Reading and modifying the 4DOS file descriptions ************************************************************ Usage: GetDescript(FileName / directoryname): String; Returns the description of the filename or directory name. Use a full path to specify the exact location of the file. } Interface Function GetDescript(Name:String):String; Function SetDescript(Name, Descript: String): Boolean; Implementation Uses DOS; Function Upper(Str: String): String; {Replace this function if you've got a faster one} Var i: Integer; Begin For i := 1 to Length(Str) do Str[i] := Upcase(Str[i]); Upper := Str; end; Function getDescriptFileName(Name: String): String; {Internal function that gives the complete path of DESCRIPT.ION} Var D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; tmp: PathStr; begin If Name='' then begin getDescriptFileName := ''; exit; end; tmp := FExpand(Name); FSplit(tmp, D, N, E); Tmp:= D; getDescriptFileName:= tmp+'DESCRIPT.ION'; end; Function GetName(Name: String): String; {Returns only the filename without the path} Var D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; tmp: PathStr; Begin If Name='' then begin getName := ''; exit; end; tmp := FExpand(Name); FSplit(tmp, D, N, E); getName:= N+E; end; Function GetDescript(Name:String):String; {Input: The path/name of a file output: The 4DOS file description or '' if there is no description} Var IOBuf: Array[0..2047] of Char; {2 Kb read-buffer} f: text; Regel, tmp: String; Found : Boolean; Begin Found := False; Assign(f,GetDescriptFileName(Name)); SetTextBuf(F, IOBuf); {$I-} Reset(f);{$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin GetDescript := ''; exit; end; While (not Found) and (not eof(f)) do begin ReadLn(f, regel); Tmp := Copy(Regel, 1, Pos(' ', regel)-1); Found := Upper(Tmp) = Upper(GetName(Name)); end; If Found then begin GetDescript := Copy(Regel, Pos(' ', Regel)+1, Length(Regel)); end else GetDescript := ''; Close(f); end; Function SetDescript(Name, Descript: String): Boolean; {Input: the path/name of a file, the description of the file. Enter '' for the description to remove it. Output: True if the description has been succesfully set, otherwise it is false.} Type FileInfo=^FileRec; FileRec= Record FileName: String; Str: String; Next: FileInfo; end; Var f: Text; IOBuf: Array[0..2047] of Char; {2 Kb read-buffer} BeginPtr, UsePtr, EndPtr: FileInfo; regel, tmp: String; FileFound: Boolean; Procedure ReadInfo; {Read all descriptions in a pointer-array} Begin {$I-} Reset(f); {$I+} FileFound := False; BeginPtr := nil; UsePtr := nil; EndPtr := nil; If (IOResult <> 0) or (eof(f)) then begin {The DESCRIPT.ION file does not exist: create a new one} {$I-} Rewrite(f);{$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then exit; BeginPtr := New(FileInfo);{Create a new record} BeginPtr^.FileName := Upper(GetName(Name)); BeginPtr^.Str := Descript; BeginPtr^.Next := nil; EndPtr := BeginPtr; end else While not eof(f) do begin Readln(f, regel); UsePtr := New(FileInfo); {just create a new record} tmp := Copy(Regel, 1, Pos(' ', regel)-1); UsePtr^.FileName := tmp; If Upper(tmp)=Upper(GetName(Name)) then begin FileFound := True; If Descript <> '' then begin UsePtr^.FileName := getName(tmp); {File found in list, change it!} UsePtr^.Str := Descript; UsePtr^.Next := nil; end else begin Dispose(UsePtr); {Description is NIL, remove the new record} UsePtr := nil; end; end else begin UsePtr^.FileName := GetName(tmp); If Regel <> '' then tmp :=Copy(Regel, Pos(' ', Regel)+1, Length(Regel)) else tmp := ''; UsePtr^.Str := tmp; UsePtr^.Next := nil; end; If BeginPtr=nil then begin BeginPtr := UsePtr; {Created a new array} EndPtr := BeginPtr; {Point the endpointer to the begin} end else begin EndPtr^.Next := UsePtr; {Stick the new record to the previous one} If UsePtr <> nil then EndPtr := UsePtr; {Point the EndPtr to the last record} end; end; If (not FileFound) and (Descript <> '') then begin UsePtr := New(FileInfo); {Create a new record} UsePtr^.FileName := Upper(getName(Name)); UsePtr^.Str := Descript; UsePtr^.Next := nil; EndPtr^.Next := UsePtr; EndPtr := UsePtr; end; Close(f); {Close file} end; Function WriteInfo: Boolean; Begin SetFAttr(f, Archive); {Unhide the file} WriteInfo := True; {$I-} Rewrite(f); {$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin WriteInfo := False; Exit; end; If BeginPtr = nil then begin Close(f); {No descriptions: delete file} Erase(f); exit; end; While BeginPtr <> nil do Begin Writeln(f, BeginPtr^.FileName, ' ', BeginPtr^.Str); UsePtr := BeginPtr; BeginPtr := UsePtr^.Next; {Move the begin-pointer 1 up} Dispose(UsePtr); {Delete first record} end; Close(f); SetFAttr(f, Hidden); {Hide the DESCRIPT.ION file} end; Begin SetDescript := False; If Name='' then Exit; {If there's no name specified: quit} Assign(f, GetDescriptFileName(Name)); {Open DESCRIPT.ION} SetTextBuf(f, IOBuf); {create a 2Kb buffer} ReadInfo; {Read the descriptions} SetDescript := WriteInfo; {Write the descriptions} end; Begin end. { FOLLOWING IS THE WINDOWS SPECIFIC CODE FOR THIS UNIT !! } {$A+,B-,D-,F-,G+,I+,K+,L-,N+,P-,Q+,R+,S+,T+,V+,W+,X+,Y-} Unit W4Dos; {******************4DOS description functions**************** Written by: W. de Vries, dVELP Services Target: Windows, DPMI Date: March 1994 Purpose: Reading and modifying the 4DOS file descriptions ************************************************************} Interface Function GetDescript(Name:PChar):PChar; Function SetDescript(Name, Descript: PChar): Boolean; Implementation Uses Windos, Strings, WinCrt; Function getDescriptFileName(Name: PChar): PChar; {Internal function that gives the complete path of DESCRIPT.ION} Var D: array[0..fsDirectory] of Char; N: Array[0..fsFileName] of Char; E: Array[0..fsExtension] of Char; tmp: PChar; begin If Name=nil then begin getDescriptFileName := nil; exit; end; GetMem(tmp, 256); FileExpand(tmp, Name); FileSplit(tmp, D, N, E); StrCopy(Tmp, D); StrCat(Tmp, 'DESCRIPT.ION'); getDescriptFileName:= StrNew(Tmp); end; Function GetName(Name: PChar): PChar; {Returns only the filename without the path} Var D: Array[0..fsDirectory] of Char; N: Array[0..fsFileName] of Char; E: Array[0..fsExtension] of Char; tmp: PChar; Begin If Name=nil then begin getName := nil; exit; end; GetMem(tmp, 256); FileExpand(tmp, Name); FileSplit(tmp, nil, N, E); StrCopy(Tmp, N); StrCat(tmp, E); getName:= StrNew(tmp); StrDispose(tmp); end; Function GetDescript(Name:PChar):PChar; {Input: The path/name of a file output: The 4DOS file description or NIL if there is no description} Var IOBuf: Array[0..2047] of Char; {2 Kb read-buffer} f: text; Regel: String; tmp: PChar; Found : Boolean; Begin Found := False; GetMem(tmp, 256); Assign(f,GetDescriptFileName(Name)); SetTextBuf(F, IOBuf); {$I-} Reset(f);{$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin GetDescript := nil; StrDispose(Tmp); exit; end; While (not Found) and (not eof(f)) do begin ReadLn(f, regel); StrPCopy(Tmp, Copy(Regel, 1, Pos(' ', regel)-1)); Found := StrIComp(tmp,GetName(Name))=0; end; If Found then begin GetDescript := StrNew(StrPCopy(tmp, Copy(Regel, Pos(' ', Regel)+1, Length(Regel)))); end else GetDescript := nil; Close(f); StrDispose(tmp); end; Function SetDescript(Name, Descript: PChar): Boolean; {Input: the path/name of a file, the description of the file. Enter NIL for the description to remove it. Output: True if the description has been succesfully set, otherwise it is false.} Type FileInfo=^FileRec; FileRec= Record FileName:PChar; Str: PChar; Next: FileInfo; end; Var f: Text; IOBuf: Array[0..2047] of Char; {2 Kb read-buffer} BeginPtr, UsePtr, EndPtr: FileInfo; regel: String; tmp: Array[0..255] of Char; FileFound: Boolean; Procedure ReadInfo; {Read all descriptions in a pointer-array} Begin If Descript <> nil then If StrIComp(Descript, '') = 0 then Descript := nil; FileFound := False; BeginPtr := nil; UsePtr := nil; EndPtr := nil; {$I-} Reset(f); {$I+} If (IOResult <> 0) or (eof(f)) then begin {The DESCRIPT.ION file does not exist: create a new one} {$I-} Rewrite(f); {$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then Exit; BeginPtr := New(FileInfo);{Create a new record} BeginPtr^.FileName := StrNew(StrUpper(GetName(Name))); BeginPtr^.Str := StrNew(Descript); BeginPtr^.Next := nil; EndPtr := BeginPtr; FileFound := True; end else While not eof(f) do begin Readln(f, regel); UsePtr := New(FileInfo); {just create a new record} StrPCopy(tmp, Copy(Regel, 1, Pos(' ', regel)-1)); UsePtr^.FileName := StrNew(GetName(tmp)); If StrIComp(tmp, GetName(Name))=0 then begin {File found in list, change it!} FileFound := True; If Descript <> nil then begin UsePtr^.Str := StrNew(Descript); UsePtr^.Next := nil; end else begin Dispose(UsePtr); {Description is NIL, remove the new record} UsePtr := nil; end; end else begin If Regel <> '' then StrPCopy(tmp, Copy(Regel, Pos(' ', Regel)+1, Length(Regel))) else tmp[0] := #0; UsePtr^.Str := StrNew(tmp); UsePtr^.Next := nil; end; If BeginPtr=nil then begin BeginPtr := UsePtr; {Created a new array} EndPtr := BeginPtr; {Point the endpointer to the begin} end else begin EndPtr^.Next := UsePtr; {Stick the new record to the previous} If UsePtr <> nil then EndPtr := UsePtr; {Point the EndPtr to the last record} end; end; If (not FileFound) and (Descript <> nil) then begin UsePtr := New(FileInfo); {Create a new record} UsePtr^.FileName := StrNew(StrUpper(getName(Name))); UsePtr^.Str := StrNew(Descript); UsePtr^.Next := nil; EndPtr^.Next := UsePtr; EndPtr := UsePtr; end; Close(f); {Close file} end; Function WriteInfo: Boolean; Begin SetFAttr(f, faArchive); {Unhide the file} WriteInfo := True; {$I-} Rewrite(f); {$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin WriteInfo := False; Exit; end; If BeginPtr=nil then begin Close(f); {No descriptions: delete file} Erase(f); exit; end; While BeginPtr <> nil do Begin Writeln(f, BeginPtr^.FileName, ' ', BeginPtr^.Str); UsePtr := BeginPtr; BeginPtr := UsePtr^.Next; {Move the begin-pointer 1 up} Dispose(UsePtr); {Delete first record} end; Close(f); SetFAttr(f, faHidden); {Hide the DESCRIPT.ION file} end; Begin SetDescript := False; If (Name=nil) or (StrIComp(Name, '')=0) then Exit; {If there's no name specified: quit} Assign(f, GetDescriptFileName(Name)); {Open DESCRIPT.ION} SetTextBuf(f, IOBuf); {create a 2Kb buffer} ReadInfo; {Read the descriptions} SetDescript := WriteInfo; {Write the descriptions} end; Begin end.