(* =========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 09-20-93 (01:47) Number: 8840 From: CHRIS PRIEDE Refer#: NONE To: WIM VAN.VOLLENHOVEN Recvd: NO Subj: Disk & Drives Conf: (1617) L-Pascal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WV> - I can't figure out how to determain if the drive is a ramdisk WV> or a fixed disk. RAM disks have only one copy of FAT, while floppies and hard disks should have at least two. Use DOS function 1Fh or 32h to get this information for current/specified drive. The following program uses function 1F: =========================================================== *) program TellMeAllAboutMyDrive; (* Released to public domain, K. Priede, 1993 *) uses Dos; type (* record matching DOS (2.0+) Drive Parameter Block. * defined only interesting items, DOS structure is bigger *) DosDPB = record Drive, UnitNo: byte; BytesPerSector: word; LastSectorInCluster: byte; ShiftCount: byte; ReservedSectors: word; FATCount: byte; RootDirEntries, FirstDataSector, LastCluster: word; end; var Regs: Registers; begin (* func. 1Fh -- Get DPB * returns: AL = 0 if successful, DS:BX -> DBP *) Regs.AH := $1F; MsDos(Regs); (* now show what we got ... *) if Regs.AL = 0 then with DosDPB(Ptr(Regs.DS, Regs.BX)^) do begin Writeln(#10#13'Parameters for drive ', Chr(Ord('A') + Drive), ':'#13#10); Writeln('Sector size: ':24, BytesPerSector, ' bytes'); Writeln('Sectors per cluster: ':24, LastSectorInCluster +1); Writeln('Clusters on drive: ':24, LastCluster -1); Writeln('Total drive space: ':24, longint(BytesPerSector) * (LastSectorInCluster +1) * (LastCluster -1),' bytes'#13#10); Writeln('Number of FATs: ':24, FATCount); Writeln('Root directory size: ':24, RootDirEntries, ' entries'); end else Writeln('Error!'); end. =========================================================== --- þ RNET 2.00m: ILink: Faster-Than-Light þ Atlanta GA þ 404-296-3120 / 299-3930