USES CRT; { Here is my DRIVES routine again to return all valid drive letters on a PC. This is a fix from the last version which incorrectly addressed the local variables and wound up hosing memory. I also added some extensive comments for readability. Enjoy! } {***************************************************************************** * Function ...... Drives * Purpose ....... To return a string containing the valid drives for the * current system. * Parameters .... None * Returns ....... A string of the valid drive letters. * Notes ......... Rather than changing to each drive to see if it exists, we * can instead call DOS Function 26h - Parse a file name. * If the file name is invalid (eg, F:), then DOS will say * so. So, by testing each drive letter as a file name, * DOS will tell us which are good and which are bad! * Author ........ Martin Richardson * Date .......... August 6, 1993 * Update ........ 02-01-94: Corrected problem where local VAR variables were * not being used, but a random memory location was * instead! * : Added comments for clarity. *****************************************************************************} FUNCTION Drives: STRING; ASSEMBLER; VAR DriveInfo: ARRAY[1..2] OF CHAR; Buffer: ARRAY[1..40] OF CHAR; DriveString: ARRAY[1..25] OF CHAR; ASM PUSH SI { Save Important Registers } PUSH DI PUSH ES PUSH DS MOV SI, SS { The Stack Segment (SS) points to the } MOV DS, SI { VAR's above. Point DS to it... } PUSH DS POP ES { ...and ES as well. } LEA SI, DriveInfo { DS:SI - Where we test each drive letter } LEA DI, Buffer { ES:DI - FCB Buffer } LEA BX, DriveString{ DS:BX - Our resultant string } MOV BYTE PTR [SI], '@' { The character before 'A' } XOR CX, CX { Zero out CX } @Scan: INC BYTE PTR [SI] { Next Drive Letter } MOV BYTE PTR [SI+1], ':' MOV AX, $2906 { DOS Function 29h - Parse Filename } INT 21h { DS:SI - String to be parsed } { ES:DI - FCB } LEA SI, DriveInfo { DS:SI } CMP AL, $FF{ AL = FFh if function fails (invalid } JE @NotValid { drive letter) } INC CX { Add one more to our string length... } PUSH CX { ...and save it. } MOV CL, BYTE PTR DS:[SI] { Grab the valid drive letter... } MOV [BX], CL { ...and stuff it into our result } INC BX { Next position in result string } POP CX { Get our length counter back } @NotValid: CMP BYTE PTR [SI], 'Z' { Did we go through all letters? } JNE @Scan { Nope, so next letter } LEA SI, DriveString{ Store DriveString to #Result } LES DI, @Result INC DI REP MOVSB XCHG AX, DI { This is the only way to store the } MOV DI, WORD PTR @Result { length that I can get to work. } SUB AX, DI DEC AX STOSB POP DS { Restore Important Registers } POP ES POP DI POP SI END; function DriveValid(Drive: Char): Boolean; assembler; asm mov ah, 19h { Select DOS function 19h } int 21h { Call DOS for current disk drive } mov bl, al { Save drive code in bl } mov al, Drive { Assign requested drive to al } sub al, 'A' { Adjust so A:=0, B:=1, etc. } mov dl, al { Save adjusted result in dl } mov ah, 0eh { Select DOS function 0eh } int 21h { Call DOS to set default drive } mov ah, 19h { Select DOS function 19h } int 21h { Get current drive again } mov cx, 0 { Preset result to False } cmp al, dl { Check if drives match } jne @@1 { Jump if not--drive not valid } mov cx, 1 { Preset result to True } @@1: mov dl, bl { Restore original default drive } mov ah, 0eh { Select DOS function 0eh } int 21h { Call DOS to set default drive } xchg ax, cx { Return function result in ax } end; BEGIN Clrscr; Writeln(Drives); END.