{ checking for drive ready? Here's something that I fiddled arround. It is still noisy but thought you may want to see it. } uses Crt, Dos; function DriveReady(Drive : Byte) : Boolean; assembler; { a=0, b=1, etc. Shouldn't work at all on hard drives !! } var Buffer : array[1..512] of Byte; N : Byte; asm mov [N],3 { retry 3 times } @10: mov ax,$0401 mov cx,$0001 mov dh,$00 mov dl,[Drive] push ss pop es lea bx,[Buffer] int $13 mov al,FALSE jnc @20 dec [N] jnz @10 jmp @30 @20: or ah,ah jnz @30 mov al,TRUE @30: end; begin ClrScr; repeat writeln(^G'Drive Ready = ', DriveReady(0)); Mem[$40:$40]:=255; Delay(2000); until (KeyPressed); Mem[$40:$40]:=1; { shut motors } end.