{ > Has anyone any ideas how to interrogate an IDE drive to get its > setup parameters, ie. number of cylinders, heads and sectors, as > some of the more recent BIOS's seem to be able to do? The code below identifies some of the params. Actually, it identifies most of what you'd ever need. Theres only one catch. The main program checks the letter given on the command line using a function: DriveValid(Drive: Char; var Drv: Byte): Boolean; assembler; This returns the numeric equivalent of the Drive character into Drv and returns true/false if the Drive is Valid. The trick is the validity check is done by DOS. Meaning that on my machine, my second drive, a HPFS drive won't show up unless I stick something like Drive=3 (Second HDD) and disable the DriveValid check. I hope this helps. } (******************************************************************* idediag shows characteristics of IDE hard disks. Public Domain by Paolo Bevilacqua, Rome. Rewritten from C to Turbo Pascal 7.0 by Ivan Peev, Sofia. You can add more disk type to the idetypes[] table, and distribuite freely. ********************************************************************) const { read/write } HDC_DATA = $01F0; HDC_ERROR = $01F1; HDC_SECCOU = $01F2; HDC_SECNUM = $01F3; HDC_CYLLOW = $01F4; HDC_CYLHIGH = $01F5; HDC_SDH = $01F6; { read } HDC_STATUS : Word = $01F7; HDC_ALTSTA = $03F6; { write } HDC_COMMAND = $01F7; HDC_FIXED = $03F6; { commands } HDC_COMMAND_RESTORE = $10; HDC_COMMAND_SEEK = $70; HDC_COMMAND_READ = $20; HDC_COMMAND_WRITE = $30; HDC_COMMAND_FORMAT = $50; HDC_COMMAND_READVER = $90; HDC_COMMAND_DIAG = $90; HDC_COMMAND_SETPAR = $91; HDC_COMMAND_WRSTACK = $E8; HDC_COMMAND_RDSTACK = $E4; HDC_COMMAND_READPAR = $EC; HDC_COMMAND_POWER = $E0; HDC_FIXED_IRQ = $02; HDC_FIXED_RESET = $04; HDC_STATUS_ERROR = $01; HDC_STATUS_INDEX = $02; HDC_STATUS_ECC = $04; HDC_STATUS_DRQ = $08; HDC_STATUS_COMPLETE = $10; HDC_STATUS_WRFAULT = $20; HDC_STATUS_READY = $40; HDC_STATUS_BUSY = $80; type TIdeTypes = record Cylinders, Heads, Sectors: Word; Name: String[38]; end; PIdeInfo = ^TIdeInfo; TIdeInfo = record genconf, fixcyls, remcyls, heads, bytetrack, { bytes per track } bytesector, { bytes per sector } sectors, { sectors per track } byteisg, { bytes intesector gap } byteplo, { bytes in sync } worduniq: Word; { words unique status } serial: array[1..20] of Char; contype, { controller type } bufsiz, { buffer size in 512 byte blocks } byteecc: Word; { ECC bytes trasferred in read/write long } firmware: array[1..8] of Char; { firmware revision } model: array[1..40] of Char; { model ID } secsint, { number of sectors transferred per interrupt } dblword, { double word transfer flag } writepro: Word; { write protect } end; const IdesInDataBase = 17; IdeTypes: array[1..IdesInDataBase] of TIdeTypes = ((Cylinders:667; Heads:4; Sectors:33; Name:'Fujitsu M2611T (42.9 MB)'), (Cylinders:667; Heads:8; Sectors:33; Name:'Fujitsu M2612T (85.9 MB)'), (Cylinders:667; Heads:12; Sectors:33; Name:'Fujitsu M2613T (128.9 MB)'), (Cylinders:667; Heads:16; Sectors:33; Name:'Fujitsu M2614T (171.9 MB)'), (Cylinders:782; Heads:2; Sectors:27; Name:'Western Digital WD93024-A (20.6 MB)'), (Cylinders:782; Heads:4; Sectors:27; Name:'Western Digital WD93044-A (41.2 MB)'), (Cylinders:845; Heads:3; Sectors:35; Name:'Toshiba MK232FC (45.4 MB'), (Cylinders:845; Heads:7; Sectors:35; Name:'Toshiba MK234FC (106 MB'), (Cylinders:965; Heads:5; Sectors:17; Name:'Quantum ProDrive 40AT (40 MB)'), (Cylinders:965; Heads:10; Sectors:17; Name:'Quantum ProDrive 80AT (80 MB)'), (Cylinders:1050; Heads:2; Sectors:40; Name:'Teac SD-340 (41 MB)'), (Cylinders:776; Heads:8; Sectors:33; Name:'Conner CP-3104 (100 MB)'), (Cylinders:745; Heads:4; Sectors:28; Name:'Priam 3804M (40.7 MB)'), (Cylinders:980; Heads:10; Sectors:17; Name:'Western Digitial Caviar AC280 (81 MB)'), (Cylinders:560; Heads:6; Sectors:26; Name:'Seagate ST157A (42 MB)'), (Cylinders:732; Heads:8; Sectors:35; Name:'ALPS ELECTRIC Co.,LTD. DR311C (102 MB)'), (Cylinders:0; Heads:0; Sectors:0; Name:'')); type parray = ^tarray; tarray = array[1..256] of Word; var secbuf: parray; drive: Byte; drv: String[1]; procedure printinfo; var id: TIdeInfo; capacity: Word; types: String; i: Integer; function zo(const value: Byte): String; begin if Boolean(value) then zo := '' else zo := 'not'; end; function ToStr(value: LongInt): String; var S: String; begin Str(value, S); ToStr := S; end; function ConvertHex(Value: Word): String; const hexTable: array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin ConvertHex := hexTable[Hi(Value) shr 4] + hexTable[Hi(Value) and $f] + hexTable[Lo(Value) shr 4] + hexTable[Lo(Value) and $f]; end; procedure SwapBytes(var Source, Dest; Len: Byte); assembler; asm push ds lds si, Source les di, Dest mov cl, len xor ch, ch @1: mov ax, ds:[si] xchg ah, al mov es:[di], ax inc si inc si inc di inc di loop @1 pop ds end; begin id := PIdeInfo(secbuf)^; { get disk type by characteristics } i := 1; while IdeTypes[i].Cylinders <> 0 do Begin if (IdeTypes[i].cylinders = id.fixcyls) and (IdeTypes[i].heads = id.heads) and (IdeTypes[i].sectors = id.sectors) then Begin types := IdeTypes[i].name; break; end; inc(i); end; { unknown disk } if (IdeTypes[i].cylinders = 0) then Begin types := 'Unknown '; { calculate capacity in MB } capacity := (LongInt(id.fixcyls) * id.heads * id.sectors) div 2048; types := types + ToStr(capacity); types := types + ' Mbytes'; end; { swap bytes in ASCII fields except for WD disks } if (i <> 4) and (i <> 5) then Begin SwapBytes(id.serial, id.serial, 10); SwapBytes(id.firmware, id.firmware, 4); SwapBytes(id.model, id.model, 20); end; WriteLn('Informations for drive ', drive-2, ', ', types); WriteLn('Drive ID ', ConvertHex(id.genconf)); WriteLn(id.fixcyls, ' fixed cylinders, ', id.remcyls, ' removables'); WriteLn(id.heads, ' heads, ', id.sectors, ' sectors'); WriteLn('Serial number: ', id.serial); WriteLn('Controller firmware: ', id.firmware); WriteLn('Controller model: ', id.model); WriteLn(id.bytetrack, ' bytes per track, ', id.bytesector, ' per sector'); WriteLn(id.byteisg, ' bytes of intersector gap, ', id.byteplo, ' of sync'); WriteLn('Controller type ', id.contype, ', buffer ', id.bufsiz div 2, 'KBytes'); WriteLn(id.byteecc, ' bytes of ECC, ', id.secsint, ' sector(s) transferred per interrupt'); WriteLn('Double word transfer ', zo(id.dblword), ' allowed, ', zo(id.writepro), 'write protected.'); end; procedure readsect; assembler; asm { poll DRQ } @1: mov dx, HDC_STATUS in al, dx and al, HDC_STATUS_BUSY or al, al jne @1 { read up sector } mov cx, 256 mov dx, HDC_DATA les di, secbuf @2: in ax, dx mov es:[di], ax inc di inc di loop @2 end; function DriveValid(Drive: Char; var Drv: Byte): Boolean; assembler; asm mov ah, 19h { Save the current drive in BL } int 21h mov bl, al mov dl, Drive { Select the given drive } sub dl, 'A' les di, DRV mov es:[di], dl mov ah, 0Eh int 21h mov ah, 19h { Retrieve what DOS thinks is current } int 21h mov cx, 0 { Assume false } cmp al, dl { Is the current drive the given drive? } jne @1 mov cx, 1 { It is, so the drive is valid } mov dl, bl { Restore the old drive } mov ah, 0eh int 21h @1: xchg ax, cx { Put the return value into AX } end; function CurDisk: Byte; assembler; { Returns current drive } asm mov ah, 19h int 21h end; begin if ParamCount > 0 then Begin drv := ParamStr(1); drv[1] := UpCase(drv[1]); if not DriveValid(drv[1], Drive) or not (drv[1] in ['C'..'Z']) then Begin WriteLn('There isn''t such drive or drive invalid!'); Halt(1); end; end else drive := CurDisk; { disable interrupt from drive } Port[HDC_FIXED] := HDC_FIXED_IRQ; { set up task file parameter } Port[HDC_SDH] := $A0 + (drive shl 4); { issue read parameters } Port[HDC_COMMAND] := HDC_COMMAND_READPAR; GetMem(secbuf, SizeOf(secbuf)); { read up sector } readsect; { print out info } printinfo; FreeMem(secbuf, SizeOf(secbuf)); end.