{ Here's a program i wrote a while ago...i thought everybody at SWAG would like to grab a copy. There's still a lot of optimization to be done, so if anybody wants to play around with it, i'd appreciate it if you'd send me the results... } PROGRAM Space; {...the final frontier...} USES Crt, Dos; CONST Title = 'SPACE v2.4 (c) 22-MAR-97 re’per, no rights reserved'; VAR DriveL : string[2]; DriveN : shortint; Tmp,Tmp2,Tmp3,z : shortint; TmpS : string[2]; size,free : INTEGER; FreeMemory, Handle, SegAddr, I : word; P : pointer; d_label : string; TYPE string10=string[10]; fcbType = Record drive : Byte; name : Array[1..8] of Char; ext : Array[1..3] of Char; fpos : Word; recsize : Word; fsize : LongInt; fdate : Word; ftime : Word; reserv : Array[1..8] of Byte; currec : Byte; relrec : LongInt; end; extfcb = Record flag : Byte; { must be $ff! } reserv : Array[1..5] of Byte; attrib : Byte; fcb : fcbType; end; FUNCTION Str2Int( cNum: STRING ): LONGINT; VAR c: INTEGER; i: LONGINT; BEGIN VAL( cNum, i, c ); Str2Int := i; END; function calc_p1(num1,num2:integer):string10; var z:real; out1:string[10]; begin out1:=' 0'; if num1=0 then exit; if num2=0 then exit; z:=num1/num2; str(z:2:2,out1); if out1='1.00' then begin out1:='100'; calc_p1:=out1; exit; end; delete(out1,1,2); if out1[1]='0' then delete(out1,1,1); while length(out1)<2 do insert(' ',out1,1); if out1='0' then out1:='100'; if out1='' then out1:='0'; calc_p1:=out1; end; Function GetVolLabel(drive:string):String; {also from SWAG} Var sr : SearchRec; begin findfirst(drive+'\*.*',VolumeID,sr); if Doserror=0 then GetVolLabel:=sr.name else GetVolLabel:=''; end; {--- this really needs to be optimized --} PROCEDURE DriveLetter; BEGIN if DriveL = 'A:' then DriveN := (1); if DriveL = 'B:' then DriveN := (2); if DriveL = 'C:' then DriveN := (3); if DriveL = 'D:' then DriveN := (4); if DriveL = 'E:' then DriveN := (5); if DriveL = 'F:' then DriveN := (6); if DriveL = 'G:' then DriveN := (7); if DriveL = 'H:' then DriveN := (8); if DriveL = 'I:' then DriveN := (9); if DriveL = 'J:' then DriveN := (10); if DriveL = 'K:' then DriveN := (11); if DriveL = 'L:' then DriveN := (12); if DriveL = 'M:' then DriveN := (13); if DriveL = 'N:' then DriveN := (14); if DriveL = 'O:' then DriveN := (15); if DriveL = 'P:' then DriveN := (16); if DriveL = 'Q:' then DriveN := (17); if DriveL = 'R:' then DriveN := (18); if DriveL = 'S:' then DriveN := (19); if DriveL = 'T:' then DriveN := (20); if DriveL = 'U:' then DriveN := (21); if DriveL = 'V:' then DriveN := (22); if DriveL = 'W:' then DriveN := (23); if DriveL = 'X:' then DriveN := (24); if DriveL = 'Y:' then DriveN := (25); if DriveL = 'Z:' then DriveN := (26); if DriveL = 'a:' then DriveN := (1); if DriveL = 'b:' then DriveN := (2); if DriveL = 'c:' then DriveN := (3); if DriveL = 'd:' then DriveN := (4); if DriveL = 'e:' then DriveN := (5); if DriveL = 'f:' then DriveN := (6); if DriveL = 'g:' then DriveN := (7); if DriveL = 'h:' then DriveN := (8); if DriveL = 'i:' then DriveN := (9); if DriveL = 'j:' then DriveN := (10); if DriveL = 'k:' then DriveN := (11); if DriveL = 'l:' then DriveN := (12); if DriveL = 'm:' then DriveN := (13); if DriveL = 'n:' then DriveN := (14); if DriveL = 'o:' then DriveN := (15); if DriveL = 'p:' then DriveN := (16); if DriveL = 'q:' then DriveN := (17); if DriveL = 'r:' then DriveN := (18); if DriveL = 's:' then DriveN := (19); if DriveL = 't:' then DriveN := (20); if DriveL = 'u:' then DriveN := (21); if DriveL = 'v:' then DriveN := (22); if DriveL = 'w:' then DriveN := (23); if DriveL = 'x:' then DriveN := (24); if DriveL = 'y:' then DriveN := (25); if DriveL = 'z:' then DriveN := (26); END; PROCEDURE UpCaseString(Str : string); var i : Integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(Str) do Str[i] := UpCase(Str[i]); END; PROCEDURE Help; BEGIN writeln('USAGE: SPACE [drive1] [drive2] [drive3] etc; etc;'); writeln('EXMPL: SPACE C: D: F: H: Z:'); writeln; writeln('*** Portions (c) re’per/VOiD and misc routines are from SWAG.'); writeln; writeln('GREETZ: Silva,Dopey Druid, Cyber-Mage, Mixa, Eternal Dreams,'); writeln(' Valcan, Indigo, Chris, NACC, everybody,'); writeln(' involved with SWAG....'); writeln; writeln; textattr:=$7; writeln(' e-mail me and tell me what you think or for bug reports '); writeln(' or just flame!'); writeln; writeln(' Jonathan '); writeln(' jonathan@connx.co.za '); halt(0); END; BEGIN {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} clrscr; textattr:=$e; writeln(Title); textattr:=$7; if paramcount = 0 then help; textattr:=$7;write ('Ä=[ DISK SPACE ]=ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ'); gotoxy(62,2);write('Ā'); for z := 3 to paramcount + 2 do begin gotoxy(62,z);write('³'); end; gotoxy(1,z+1);write ('ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ'); if paramcount <=2 then write('ÄÄÄÄŁ'); if paramcount > 2 then write('ÄÄÄÄĮÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ'); gotoxy(1,3); for tmp := 1 to paramcount do begin {-- main ------------------------------------------------------------------} DriveL := Paramstr(tmp); DriveLetter; textattr:=$f; write(DriveL); textattr:=$7; D_Label := GetVolLabel(DriveL); write(' ',GetVolLabel(DriveL)); gotoxy(15,whereY); write(' size[');textattr:=$f; write(disksize(DriveN) div 1000024);textattr:=$7; write('mb]'); gotoxy(30,whereY); write('free[');textattr:=$f; write(diskfree(DriveN) div 1000024);textattr:=$7; write('mb]'); begin size := disksize(DriveN) div 1000024; free := diskfree(DriveN) div 1000024; textattr:=$f; gotoxy(58,whereY);write(calc_p1(free,size),'%'); textattr:=$7; tmp3 := str2int(calc_p1(free,size)) div 10; gotoxy(45,whereY); write('[');textattr:=$c; write('ś');textattr:=$c; write('ś');textattr:=$e; write('ś');textattr:=$e; write('ś');textattr:=$e; write('ś');textattr:=$e; write('ś');textattr:=$a; write('ś');textattr:=$a; write('ś');textattr:=$a; write('ś');textattr:=$a; write('ś');textattr:=$7; write(']'); if tmp3 = 10 then textattr:=$a; if tmp3 = 9 then textattr:=$a; if tmp3 = 8 then textattr:=$a; if tmp3 = 7 then textattr:=$a; if tmp3 = 6 then textattr:=$e; if tmp3 = 5 then textattr:=$e; if tmp3 = 4 then textattr:=$e; if tmp3 = 3 then textattr:=$e; if tmp3 = 2 then textattr:=$c; if tmp3 = 1 then textattr:=$c; gotoxy(46,wherey); for tmp2 := 1 to tmp3 do begin write('ž'); end; writeln; textattr:=$7; END; END; {------------------------- dos mem -----------------------------------------} gotoxy(64,3); write('BASE:size['); textattr:=$f; write('655360');textattr:=$7; write(']'); gotoxy(69,4); write('free['); textattr:=$f; write(maxavail+29000);textattr:=$7; write(']'); gotoxy(1,paramcount+2); writeln; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} END. Enjoy... Jonathan ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū Jonathan C. Watridge "Moonlight creeping around the Ū Ū ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ corners of our lawn, when we Ū Ū E-MAŒL: jonathan@connx.co.za see the early signs that day- Ū Ū véiCE : +27 (031) 25 8104 light's fading, we leave just Ū Ū FAX : +27 (031) 25 8104 (ask) before it's gone." Ū Ū BBS : ...under construction Ū Ū Ū Ū words by Adam Duritz Ū Ū #incluse of the Counting Crows Ū Ūš=ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ=šŪ Ū re’per/VķŒD - "CUTTiNG äD€ä PRODUCTiOļS" (z) '97 Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ