{ Here is some code to try For Text fading on a vga... by Sean Palmer } Const tableReadIndex = $3C7; tableWriteIndex = $3C8; tableDataRegister = $3C9; Procedure setColor(color, r, g, b : Byte); Assembler; Asm {set DAC color} mov dx, tableWriteIndex; mov al, color; out dx, al; inc dx; mov al, r; out dx, al; mov al, g; out dx, al; mov al, b; out dx, al; end; {Write index now points to next color} Function getColor(color : Byte) : LongInt; Assembler; Asm {get DAC color} mov dx, tableReadIndex; mov al, color; out dx, al; add dx, 2; cld; xor bh, bh; in al, dx; mov bl, al; in al, dx; mov ah, al; in al, dx; mov dx, bx; end; {read index now points to next color}