{ SEAN PALMER Well, here are routines to detect a VGA and an EGA adapter... } Uses Crt; Var OldMode : Byte; function EGAInstalled : boolean; assembler; asm mov ax, $1200 mov bx, $10 mov cx, $FFFF int $10 inc cx mov al, cl or al, ch end; function VgaPresent : boolean; assembler; asm mov ah, $F int $10 mov oldMode, al {save old Gr mode} mov ax, $1A00 int $10 {check for VGA/MCGA} cmp al, $1A jne @ERR {no VGA Bios} cmp bl, 7 jb @ERR {is VGA or better?} cmp bl, $FF jnz @OK @ERR: xor al, al jmp @EXIT @OK: mov al, 1 @EXIT: end; begin OldMode := LastMode; Writeln(EGAInstalled); Writeln(VGAPresent); end.