{ > I know how to determine the current mode of a card, but how do a lot of > Programs determine if a VGA is present in the first place? I'd Really MICHAEL NICOLAI It's very easy to check if a VGA card is present, 'cause there are some Functions which are only supported on VGAs. The best one is this: } Uses Dos; Function Is_VGA_present : Boolean; Var regs : Registers; begin Is_VGA_present := True; regs.ax := $1A00; intr($10, regs); if (regs.al <> $1A) then Is_VGA_present := False; end; { KELD R. HANSEN } Function VGA : Boolean; Assembler; Asm MOV AH,1Ah INT 10h CMP AL,1Ah MOV AL,True JE @OUT DEC AX @OUT: end; { will return True if a VGA card is installed. } begin Writeln(Is_VGA_present); Writeln(VGA); end.